Page 12 of Tequila Burn

Chapter Five


“So Hudson, Lennon tellsus you’re going back on tour in a few weeks.” My dad leans back in his chair, tipping a beer to his lips.

I had no intention of coming to Sunday lunch today, especially given everything that’s happened over the past couple of days, but when my mom called to invite Hudson–knowing he was in town–he insisted we go.

None of them know about Gage, or the fact that only two days ago I thought Hudson and I were done forever. I have no intention of telling them either. It’s in the past and I’m determined to move beyond it because, truthfully, I’ve never felt about someone the way I feel about him. I’m willing to do just about anything to hold onto him forever, including leaving my family in the dark on things I’m sure they would not be happy to learn.

“Yes, sir.” Hudson nods. “I’ll be co-headlining with Annabelle.”

“Shut up.” Starr smacks the table. “TheAnnabelle?”

“Pretty sure there’s only one, Starr.” I roll my eyes at her.

“Do you have any idea how much I freaking love her?” she asks Hudson, ignoring my comment. “Do you think there’s any way I could meet her?”

“Starr.” Mark nudges his wife gently.

“What?” She throws him a dirty look. “My sister is dating a famous country singer. Surely there are perks to that.”

“Oh my god.” Mark shakes his head before turning his gaze to Hudson. “You’ll have to forgive my wife.”

“It’s fine.” Hudson chuckles. “I’m sure something can be arranged. I don’t know my schedule off hand, but I know we have shows in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. Maybe we can work something out for one of them. I can arrange backstage passes for you and I’m sure Annabelle would be happy to meet you,” he says to both Starr and Mark.

“Seriously?” Starr squeals, swatting at Mark’s arm that’s resting on the table. “Did you hear that, baby? Annabelle, backstage passes. I think I’m dreaming.”

“I heard.” He shakes his head again, grinning at Starr. “I think that’s something you do with your sister.” He throws me a quick wink.

“Seriously Lennon, if you ever let this man go I think I might murder you,” she warns, wagging a finger at me.

“Good to see where your loyalties lie.” I smile at her. If only she knew how I’d almost let him go mere days ago.

“How long will you be on tour?” my mom chimes in, getting the conversation back on track.

“It’s ninety-two shows over the course of eight months.” He takes a pull of his beer before setting the bottle on the table in front of him.

“That’s a long time.” My mom’s gaze darts to mine and in her eyes I see everything she’s too polite to voice out loud in front of Hudson. Like where does that leave me while he’s touring the country for eight months?

“Well I think it’s amazing,” Starr chimes in.

“You just think it’s amazing because you might get to meet Annabelle,” I tell her.

“I mean yes, of course that would be amazing but hello, I’m sitting here having lunch with Hudson James. That’s pretty bad ass too.”

“Starr. Language.” My father groans.

“Honestly, daddy. I’m twenty-five years old. I can say ass if I want to.”

“That doesn’t mean you need to,” he counters.

“Anyway.” She diverts dramatically, turning her attention back to the man sitting next to me. The man who seems so at ease you would think he’s been coming to Sunday lunch at my parent’s house his entire life. “Crap, I almost forgot.” She holds up her finger and quickly stands, jogging from the room without another word.

“I’m going to grab another beer. Hudson, Mark, would you two like to join me?” my father asks, pushing out of his chair.

Both men nod and stand. Hudson throws me a sweet smile and a wink before following my father and brother-in-law in the direction of the garage. Also knowns as my father’s man cave.

“You two seem happy.” My mom pulls my attention to where she’s sitting at the end of the table.