Page 11 of Tequila Burn

It’s weird. It feels like morning but it’s nearly eight o’clock at night. I guess that’s what I get for napping in the middle of the afternoon.

Crossing into the living room, I grab my cell phone from the coffee table. The screen illuminates revealing two text messages from Emma.

Emma:I tried to call earlier. Is everything okay?

Emma:Call or text me back or I’m coming over.

Realizing she must have called while we were napping or in the shower, I type out a quick response.

Me:Hudson’s here. He explained and everything is fine. I’ll fill you in later. I love you and thank you for earlier.

Her response is almost instant.

Emma:I’m so glad. I was so worried about you. Call me tomorrow if you can or we can talk at work on Monday. Love you.

“Everything okay?” I look up to see Hudson watching me from across the breakfast bar.

“Yeah. Just Emma checking in.” I drop my cell back down onto the coffee table before rejoining him in the kitchen.

“I take it she knows what happened?” he asks, stepping to the side so I can drop some jelly onto the bread he’s already put peanut butter on.

“She does. Well, she knows as much as I did this morning.” I reach into the bread bag and pull out four slices, finishing off each sandwich.

“So basically she hates me.” He chuckles, watching me lift one sandwich to my mouth to take a huge bite.

“She doesn’t,” I say after I’ve swallowed. “Her and Robert were the ones trying to convince me to hear you out when I was ready to never speak to you again.”

“Remind me to thank them later.” He leans forward and takes a bite of the sandwich in my hand.

“Hey. Get your own!” I squeal, holding my sandwich closer to myself.

“But yours tastes so much better.” He moves in, attempting to take another bite.

“It tastes the same as those.” I point toward the counter.

“No it doesn’t,” he disagrees, backing me into the refrigerator.

“I thought you were hungry,” I remind him when he slowly starts to untie my robe.

“Oh, Iamhungry.” He slides open the thick fabric, letting his eyes travel the length of me. “I’m just craving something other than peanut butter all of a sudden.” He drops to his knees and within seconds I’ve completely forgotten why we were in the kitchen to begin with.