Page 91 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Twenty-five


“Can you believe it’sdone?” Emma steps back and looks over the living room of the beach house.

We’ve been working on decorating for nearly two full days and now that it’s complete, it looks a million times better than I ever dreamed it could.

“It turned out so good.” She knocks her shoulder against mine.

“I can’t believe how well all the décor worked in the space. Usually there are a handful of pieces I can’t place but there wasn’t one thing that didn’t fit perfectly.”

“Because you’re just that good.” She smiles, her green eyes bright against her light brown skin.

“I don’t think it had anything to do with me. I think it’s just that amazing of a house.” I look over the light gray furniture with pops of teal and yellow brought out in the pillows and area rugs. It has the perfect beach feel without being too beachy.

“Daddy is going to make so much money on this house. And you know what that means.” She bounces next to me.

Our salaries are based on the profit Jeff makes on each house. The higher the profit, the more money Emma and I make. I know with complete certainty that Emma is right. There’s no way this house won’t sell for asking price. If not over. My bet is that it goes well over asking.

“Now, I think we should celebrate. What do you say? Cosmos on me?”

“I say I think I like where your head is at.” I smirk, linking my arm through Emma’s.


“So when does loverboy finish with his tour?” Emma asks, well into her fourth Cosmo.

“Their last show was Wednesday. He had some things to take care of in Nashville but he should be here this weekend,” I say, not able to contain the excitement I have knowing in a couple of days he will be here.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been three weeks since our time together in Texas. We’ve talked nearly every night since, and even though it’s not enough and I want him here with me, I’ve learned to cherish whatever I can get.

Our relationship has only progressed emotionally with our inability to see each other. When we’re together we can barely keep our hands off each other so it’s nice to have this time to connect with him beyond sex.

I swear I fall for him a little more every day. The more I learn, the more I want. The more I know, the more I love.

“Uh oh,” Emma slurs, knocking back the remainder of her drink. “You are in so deep, Lennon Claire. Look at you.” She giggles. “One mention of his name and you’re off inLa La Land.” She twirls her finger.

“What can I say? I’m dating country star, Hudson James,” I say cockily, a wide smile on my face.

“Such a gloaty bitch.” She sticks her tongue out at me and curls her nose. “Someone needs to cut you off,” she says loudly in the direction of the bartender.

“Shhh. Keep it up and they’re going to cutyouoff.” I push playfully at her shoulder.

“I love you, you know that.” She smiles at me and it’s very clear that she’s crossed the point of no return.

I’m not sure when Emma became such a light weight, but I’ve noticed more and more recently that it doesn’t take much to get her drunk. Then again it could have to do with the fact that she doesn’t drink every other day like we did in college.

Regardless, one thing has not changed. When Emma starts saying she loves everyone, you know she’s had enough.

“I love you too,” I humor her, the buzz running through my veins pretty strong as well. Though to be fair I haven’t eaten a lick of food since seven o’clock this morning and decided to drink anyway. Probably not the smartest move in the world.

“I was pregnant,” Emma blurts out of nowhere, the smile falling from her lips.

“What?” I shake my head, trying to follow. “What do you meanwas?”

“I found out a week before Starr’s wedding. That’s why we left early. I was having horrible cramps. Robert and I decided not to tell anyone until we were sure everything was okay. They did an ultrasound a few days later and said it appeared as though the fetus wasn’t progressing the way it should be. I had to do a series of blood tests. They confirmed it a couple weeks ago. I was losing the baby.”

“That’s why you were out sick,” I say, piecing it all together.