Page 90 of Tequila Haze

Hudson:I was worried you might be upset that they named you.

Me:Why would that upset me? I’m more than happy to scream it from the rooftops.

Hudson:It can get a little tricky in my line of work.

Me:Meaning what?

Hudson:Meaning people might come looking for you.

Me:As in fans?

Hudson:As in fans, reporters, photographers, or anyone else who might be curious.

Me:Should I be worried?

Hudson:No, of course not. But you should be prepared if someone were to approach you. Might be a good idea to have some answers in mind for questions people might throw at you. Or at least that’s what J said. She’s not too happy about the photo being leaked, but like I told her, it’s not like I’m trying to hide you.

I think back to the one time I met Hudson’s PR manager, Jane. She didn’t seem too thrilled about me then. I can only imagine how she feels about me now.

Me:What are you doing right now? Can we talk on the phone instead of texting?

Hudson:I’m at sound check. Promise I’ll call you later. I just wanted you to be aware.


Hudson:You sure you’re okay with this?

Me:Not much we can do about it now. But yes, I love you, Hudson. I don’t care if the whole world knows it.

Hudson:Good. I love you too. Talk soon.

I sigh, dropping my phone on the couch next to me before letting out what sounds like a laugh and groan all balled into one.

On one hand, I really don’t care that they named me as the woman in Hudson’s life. Hell, I’m glad they did. On the other, it makes me nervous to think that people might seek me out.

Shaking it off, I snag my phone from where I dropped it seconds ago and quickly pull up my recent calls, clicking on Emma’s name.

If there’s anyone that can calm the sudden nervousness inside of me, it’s my best friend. The second I hear her voice on the other end I relax.

I pace the floor of my living room as I go over everything with Emma. I haven’t spoken to her since I got back from Texas five days ago. She hasn’t been at work because she’s had some stomach bug and I’ve been pretty distracted so I use this opportunity to fill her in on not only the article but also on my weekend with Hudson.

Nearly an hour later I’m lounging on my balcony, sipping a margarita, feeling a lot more calm about how quickly my life is changing.

Emma reminded me of what’s really important–which I knew she would–and that’s Hudson and how I feel about him. The rest is just a bunch of noise. I just have to learn how to tune it out and focus on him.