Page 83 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Twenty-two


“So Lennon, Hudson tellsus you’re a designer.” Hudson’s mom takes a drink of her sweet tea, her eyes on me. We’ve been at the restaurant for about thirty minutes and I swear Mary Demasi knows my life story. Sitting caddy corner from me at the hibachi grill, she hasn’t stopped asking questions since the moment we arrived.

“I am.” I nod, lifting my wine glass to my lips and taking a small sip.

I’m usually not much for wine but there was no way I wasn’t going to have a drink. Desperately needing to calm my nerves. For some reason wine seemed more acceptable for dinner with Hudson’s parents.

“Tell us more about that.” She leans forward slightly.

“Dear lord, Mary,” Hudson’s father, Thomas, grumbles next to her. “Give the poor girl a break. You’ve been grilling her since they arrived.”

Hudson looks a great deal like his father, as does his sister. As a matter of fact, if you erase the salt colored hair that peppers his temples and a few years’ worth of wrinkles, Hudson and his father would look like twins. Well, Thomas would need to gain a few pounds in muscle too. Though he’s got a pretty good build, it’s not as full and defined as Hudson’s.

“That’s okay.” I smile, taking another sip of wine as Hudson’s hand settles just above my knee and squeezes.

“Lennon’s boss buys run down houses in desirable areas and rehabs them. Lennon goes in with a blank slate and gets to design the house from the ground up. There’s this incredible beach house she’s working on right now.” He smiles at me and I swear I fall a little harder.

“That’s really cool,” Kelly chimes in. “It’s like one of those shows you see on HGTV. You’re like the chick from fixer upper.”

“Joanna,” Mary interjects.

“Yeah. Joanna Gaines.” Kelly laughs.

“I mean, yeah, it’s kind of like that. Though we have very different design styles, my job doesn’t look much different than what you see her doing on television.”

This spins the conversation into an entirely different direction and we spend the next several minutes listening to Kelly and Mary discuss some of their favorite shows to watch, Hudson and I only chiming in when called for.

Thomas remains pretty silent throughout, sipping on his scotch and talking quietly to Colton who’s sitting next to him. Hudson had said his father was a little rough around the edges, which is definitely true, but there’s also something soft about him too. Especially when he looks at his wife. It’s like he can’t decide if he wants to slap duct tape over her mouth or kiss her to shut her up. It’s really quite cute–the way the two interact.

Mary is so soft and sweet. A true Texas woman who loves to cook and works closely with the church. She’s exactly what I pictured Hudson’s mom would be like. And while you can tell she drives Thomas nuts, it’s also clear to see how much he loves her.

As nervous as I was to meet part of Hudson’s family, I have to say it’s actually gone quite well. Both of his parents have been very nice to me and I decided almost instantly that I love Kelly. She’s sassy and so quick witted; it’s hard not to laugh at nearly everything she says. I can’t help but wonder what Hudson’s other two sisters are like.

It’s well after eleven by the time we exit the restaurant. After the long day of travel, over stuffing myself on stir fry, and indulging in three glasses of wine, I feel dead on my feet.

We say goodbye to Hudson’s parents and sister outside of the restaurant and part ways with Colton shortly after in the parking lot.

Given that our hotel is only a couple blocks away, we opted to walk rather than have Colton give us a lift. The night air feels amazing and even though I’m exhausted, I also feel wide awake.

“My mom loves you,” Hudson says as we make our way down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

“How do you know?” I ask, grinning up at him.

“Because I know my mother.” He smiles, keeping his gaze forward.

“And your father?” I ask curiously, wondering if he can read him so easily as well.

“My father trusts my mother. If she loves you then he does too.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. If you ask him he’ll tell you it’s the secret to making their marriage last.”

“What is exactly?” I question.

“Him following my mother’s lead.” He chuckles, knocking his shoulder gently against mine as we round the corner–the main entrance to our hotel coming into view.