Page 84 of Tequila Haze

“It meant a lot to me to meet your family,” I say after a long bout of silence.

“It meant a lot to me that you met them.”

“Hudson,” I start to say but lose my train of thought as two girls approaching from the opposite direction stop dead in their tracks when they get a look at the man next to me.

I watch the recognition cross over their faces followed by a look that can only be described as shock mixed with a little dash of disbelief.

“Oh my god. That’s Hudson James,” one of the girls says.

“Holy shit. It totally is.” Her friend squeals next to her, grabbing her by the arm and cutting into our path so that we’re forced to stop.

Hudson slows next to me, his gaze jumping between the two women as an easy smile falls into place.

“Oh my god it is you,” the first girl says, fanning her face like she’s not sure if she’s going to cry or faint.

She’s probably no older than eighteen or nineteen, dressed in a cut off jean skirt, cowgirl boots, and a crop top, wearing way more makeup than she actually needs considering she’s quite pretty. All I can think is that my father would kill me if I ever left the house in that. Even now at twenty-seven I think he’d make me go home and put more clothes on.

“We love you so much. We just saw you at the show a few hours ago,” the other girl chimes in. “You were incredible.”

She’s dressed similarly to her friend only she has her hair pulled through the back of a black hat withTravis Traversetched across the front and is not wearing nearly as much makeup. She too is very pretty. I would be lying if I said seeing them fawn over Hudson doesn’t make me a little uncomfortable.

“Thanks, ladies.” Hudson’s slight drawl makes an appearance and I see the two women visibly tremble at the sound of his deep, rich voice. “I hope you enjoyed yourselves.”

“Oh god, we so did. We love you so much. Can we get a picture with you?” the first girl asks, seeming to find her bearings.

“Of course.” Hudson smiles, his dimple popping as he does.

This is totally his element. He’s so natural, so unbelievably sexy and charming without even trying. It’s clear to see from the girls’ reaction that they see it too.

“Here.” I take the phone the girl wearing the hat pulls out of her purse. “I’ll take it for you,” I say, fully aware that both girls are sizing me up.

Hudson slides in between them and drops an arm over each of their shoulders. All three smile at the camera as I snap several pictures so the girls can choose their favorite.

“Thank you so much.” The girl in the hat takes the phone I extend her way.

“You ladies have a good night.” Hudson gives each of them a brief hug before coming back to my side, his arm instantly going around my shoulder as he steers me around the two women.

“Sorry about that.” He kisses my temple as he guides us toward the entrance of the hotel.

“Don’t apologize. I think it’s amazing,” I say truthfully, leaving out how out of my element the whole thing left me feeling.

My mind jumps back to the conversation with Colton when he picked me up from the airport. He asked me if I could handle being with someone like Hudson and I assured him I could, but I’m starting to see that I still don’t fully understand what that entails.

All I know is that when Hudson looks at me, none of the other stuff matters. I don’t care that he’s on his way to fame, or perhaps already found it. I don’t care that random women have no qualms about fawning over him right in front of me, not to mention what they might do when I’m not around. I don’t care that everyone who meets him probably wants him the same way I do. All I care about is that he wants me and none of them. As long as I believe that to be true, there’s nothing I can’t overcome to be with him.

My phone signals in my pocket as we make our way through the lobby. Pulling it out, I click on the message from my sister as we stop in front of the elevator, a wide smile crossing my face when I see her response to the picture of Travis kissing my cheek.

Starr:Are you kidding me right now? I officially hate you! First Hudson James and now you’re posing with Travis Travers like you’re old chums. Some girls have all the luck.

I chuckle at the array of sad faces that follow her message, not realizing that Hudson is looking over my shoulder until I lock the screen and glance up at him.

“You sent your sister the picture of him kissing you?” he asks, his lips turned down in a slight frown.

“Only because she’s totally obsessed with him and I knew she’d freak,” I explain, not sure why I feel the need to. I’m sure he’s posed similarly more times than I would ever care to know about.

“And what about you?” he asks, his hand falling to the small of my back to guide me inside the elevator when the doors slide open in front of us.

“What about me?” I ask once we are inside and the car has started to climb.