Page 73 of Tequila Haze

“You know I did.” He chuckles low. “There’s still days I wake up and feel the need to pinch myself. It all still seems so surreal.”

“You deserve it, Hudson. Seriously, you are so unbelievably talented.” I pause. “Congrats on the album sales by the way. I saw this morning that you’re now at number four overall on iTunes. That’s incredible, Hudson.”

“Thanks. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. We’re dropping the next single in a couple days. I’m eager to see how that will affect the overall album sales.”

“I give it a week and you’ll be sitting at number one.”

“I don’t know that I would go that far. But number four? For a debut album? Never in a million years did I see that coming.”

“Do you find that you’re getting more recognition since the album has been doing so well?”

“I’ve noticed a difference at shows. There’s more buzz surrounding me than there had been. Not to mention I went from having one song that people knew, to now most of the audience is singing nearly every song right along with me.”

“I can’t imagine how that feels.”

“Pretty fucking incredible.” His happiness is portrayed in his tone and it makes me ecstatic. “I wish you could come to a show.”

“I have been to a show,” I remind him.

“I know. But this would be different. You could watch the show from the side of the stage, meet the guys, get a feel for how everything works. It really is quite the experience.”

“Where are you after Colorado?”

“We have two shows in Texas after that. One in Houston and one in Dallas.”

“Are you going to visit family while you’re there?” I ask, knowing that Austin isn’t that far from Houston.

“I have a day off after Houston but I’m not sure what the game plan is. The last I heard my parents and Kelly are coming to the show. Colton arranged to have tickets held for them so I’ll probably catch dinner with them or something afterward.” He pauses for a long moment. “You should come.”

“To Texas?” I squeak.

“Why not? You could fly here. We could get a room together. We don’t head to Dallas until Sunday morning so we’d have Friday night and the whole day Saturday together. Then you could meet my family. It’s only fair considering I’ve met yours.”

“Um, I’m not sure I’m ready to meet your parents,” I admit.

“Why not?”

“Because. What if they don’t like me?”

He laughs, the deep vibration sending chills straight through me.

“There’s no way they won’t like you. Besides, it wouldn’t matter one damn bit if they didn’t. Wouldn’t change how I feel about you.”

“You say that now,” I tease.

“Come to Houston.”

“When’s the show?” I ask, not able to deny how amazing it would be to get to see him.

“Next Friday.”

“I don’t know if I could get off work. We have so much going on right now and the beach house is so close to being done.”

“All I hear are a bunch of excuses,” he teases. “Come to Texas.”

“I’ll think about it,” I promise, not really sure if there’s anything to think over. When Country Star Hudson James asks you to come to Texas to stay the night with him and meet his family, you go to Texas.

“I’ll have Colton pick you up at the airport and keep you company if you get here early. It’s usually difficult for me to slip away right before a show.”