Page 72 of Tequila Haze

I wait about thirty seconds before sending another text.

Me:Where are you right now?

Hudson:Phoenix. It’s hot as hell here.

Me:Well it is August.

Hudson:My girl is trying to be cute. I’m aware it’s August, smartass.

Me:Screw you. I am cute.

I giggle out loud, reading over the part where he called me his girl. My heart does something weird in my chest before I read the new message that came through.

Hudson:You’re more than just cute, Miss Claire. You’re downright sinful.



I knead my bottom lip between my teeth, wishing so badly that he was here right now. That I could look at him, touch him, see his handsome face.

Hudson:What are you doing right now?

Me:Lying in bed.

Hudson:Really??? And what is it that you’re doing in that bed?

Me:Wouldn’t you like to know.

Hudson:I repeat. Sinful.

The smile that stretches across my lips is wide enough to split my face in half.

Me:What about you? What are you up to right now?

Hudson:Just finished my set a few minutes ago. It’s just after ten here. Travis just took the stage about ten minutes ago. Once he’s finished and the crew breaks everything down, we will be on our way to Colorado for three different shows.

Me:I miss your voice.

I’m not sure why I typed that or why I didn’t stop myself from hitting send. I mean, it’s true. I miss everything about him, but that doesn’t mean I have to vocalize every single thought I have. Before I can overthink it too much, my phone starts ringing in my hand, Hudson’s face popping up on the screen. It’s a picture I took of him at my sister’s wedding. Hudson was standing at the bar getting us drinks and I couldn’t resist the urge to capture him in that moment. So laid back and carefree, not to mention unbelievably sexy.

“Hello.” I try to keep the nervousness from my voice as I answer.

I don’t know why I’m nervous all of a sudden. Scratch that. Yes I do. It’s because he’s Hudson and he always makes me nervous.

“Hey.” His voice is a little hoarse but damn does he sound good.

“Hey.” I smile around the word, closing my eyes before reopening them slowly. “You didn’t have to call.”

“I missed your voice too,” he cuts me off before I can reply. “Fuck, I miss every single thing about you. What are you doing to me, Miss Claire?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” I giggle. “How was the show?”

“It was good. Hot as hell. I’m pretty sure I lost ten pounds in sweat.”

I chew on the inside of my cheek, the thought of Hudson’s incredible body dripping with sweat as he dominates the stage is a vision too sweet not to take a minute to imagine.

“But you loved every second of it.”