Page 49 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Twelve


Iblink against theearly morning light, jumping slightly when I register a heavy arm draped over my middle.

Last night floods back to me in waves. Sex against the door. Sandwiches and laughter. Our conversation on the balcony where I told him about Gage. How he made love to me for two solid hours before finally falling asleep. Exhausted from his strenuous schedule and the fact that he drove about six hours to get here. He left Atlanta directly after his show without even knowing if I’d be home or awake for that matter. Just thinking that he wanted to see me so badly that he didn’t care brings an instant smile to my face.

Wanting to let him sleep but in serious need of the bathroom, I gently attempt to slide out from under his arm but am instantly hauled back, my back colliding with his front.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he grumbles against the back of my neck, his voice thick with sleep.

“Bathroom.” I smile as he nuzzles his face into my shoulder.

“I don’t want you to move. You feel too fucking good like this.”

“Well, this is kinda non-negotiable,” I inform him, humor etched into my voice.

“Fine.” He’s reluctant, but he releases me and I quickly slide out of bed.

“How about when I’m done, I whip us up some breakfast? I can make a pretty mean omelet.”

He rolls to his back, tucking an arm under his head, smiling at me. My eyes are momentarily distracted by the bulge of his bicep and how incredible his chest looks on full display. When my gaze finally makes its way back up to his face, it’s clear he knows he’s being ogled.

“How about when you’re done you get your ass back in this bed and let me show you what I’m pretty good at whipping up.”

My insides tingle from the thought.

“And then breakfast,” I agree.

He chuckles when I turn and slip into my en suite bathroom without another word.


“You weren’t lying aboutthese omelets.” Hudson groans appreciatively around his last bite, his throat flexing as he swallows.

God, he makes everything look sexy. Even though he took his time this morning, giving me three incredible orgasms, I still feel the flutter in my lower belly as I watch him.

“My mom is the queen of omelets,” I say, needing to get my mind out of the gutter to focus on something else. “You did not grow up in the Claire household without learning how to make Elise Claire approved omelets. The secret is in the seasoning.” I semi-whisper the last part like someone could be listening. “When Starr and I were kids my mom would have us take turns helping in the kitchen. Starr hated it but I always enjoyed that time with my mom.” Standing, I grab our plates before walking around the breakfast bar to set them in the sink.

“Sounds a lot like me and my siblings. My mom insisted that learning to cook was up there with things like learning to turn on a washing machine or even driving a car for that matter.”

“I didn’t know you had siblings.” I take this opportunity to try to learn a little more about the mysterious Hudson Demasi.

“Three sisters.”

“Oh lord, you poor man.” I giggle. “Older or younger?”

“One older, two younger.”

“Tell me about them.” I slide back onto the bar stool next to him and swivel in his direction. He mirrors my action, settling one of my legs between his so our knees don’t knock.

“Kelly turned thirty-three last month. She still lives in Texas close to my parents. She’s married and has two year old twin boys that keep her pretty busy.”

“Do you see her often?”

“Not as often as I’d like. I go home and visit on holidays and birthdays, but other than that the label keeps me pretty busy.”

“And your other sisters?”