Page 50 of Tequila Haze

“Brittany is twenty-eight.” He shakes his head, smiling. “She’s a complete and total pain in the ass. Has been since the day she was born.” He chuckles. “She lives in Alabama. Moved there a couple years ago to be with her deadbeat boyfriend.”

“I take it you’re not a fan of her choice in men?”

“That’s putting it mildly.” He shakes his head.

“And your youngest sister?”

“Sara. She’s the baby. Twenty-five years old and as wild as they come. She’s backpacking through Europe this summer, much to my parents’ dismay.”

“That’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to visit Europe. I bet it’s beautiful there.”

“I can show you pictures sometime. She sends me stuff constantly.”

“I’d like that,” I say, momentarily distracted by the way his hand brushes lazily against my leg. “Tell me about your parents. Are they still married?”

“They are. Though sometimes I wonder how. My mom is great. Sweet as they fucking come. When I was a kid, she stayed at home with us but now she dedicates a lot of time working with the church. My dad on the other hand, total opposite. Retired defense attorney and as ruthless as they come. A good man, just a little rough around the edges and sometimes hard to live with.”

“I think everyone can be hard to live with from time to time.” I take a sip of my orange juice before setting the glass back onto the breakfast bar.

“I guess that’s true.” He smiles, the action natural and easy. “What about you? Tell me about your folks.”

“Not much to tell. They’ve been married thirty years. My mom worked as a substitute teacher up until last year and my dad has worked at the same office for nearly thirty years. He’s looking to retire next year. Typical life I guess.” I shrug.

“You close to them?”

“Very. I mean, they drive me absolutely nuts most days, but I can’t imagine not having them close by. Even though I usually only go over for Sunday lunch, it’s nice knowing they’re just a few minutes away if I need them.”

“Sunday lunch?”

“My mom hosts lunch every Sunday. She throws a fit if I miss it, so I do my best not to. It’s usually just my parents, Nana, me, Starr, and more recently, Mark. Starr’s soon to be husband,” I add, not sure if he remembers who Starr’s soon to be husband is. “My Uncle Scott used to come, but he passed away a couple years ago,” I ramble, not really sure why I feel the need to throw that bit of information into the mix.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Hudson’s hand settles just above my knee, giving my leg a gentle squeeze.

“Anyway.” I shake my head. “So yeah, I usually see them every Sunday. If I don’t, my mother has a habit of showing up here and giving me a what for.”

“Sounds like our mothers would probably get along.” He chuckles, draining the rest of his orange juice in one large gulp. “So, what do you want to do today?” he asks, setting the empty glass down.

“Well, since this is one of your only breaks for the next few weeks, why don’t we pack a cooler and head down to the beach for a while? Just take it easy,” I suggest.

“Getting to spend the day with you in next to no clothing? Sounds like a pretty good first date to me.” He smiles, leaning forward to gently swipe his lips against mine.

“Good.” I return his smile, pulling back slightly. “Do you have a pair of shorts you can swim in by chance?” I scrunch my nose.

“I do. I wasn’t sure if I would need them but I brought a pair just in case. I have to run down to the rental and get my bag.” He slides off the stool, laying a soft kiss to my forehead before announcing, “I’ll be right back.”


It’s nearly elevenby the time we make it to the beach. Not surprisingly, it’s packed with people. After all, it is a Saturday in the middle of July. I lead Hudson to the two lounge chairs, complete with a large umbrella, that come with my unit. One of the many perks of leasing from my boss/best friend’s father. He makes sure his tenants are well taken care of.

Dropping our towels across the back of the chairs, Hudson tucks the cooler we packed full of drinks in the small space between them.

“Do all the condos come with these?” He gestures to the long line of chairs that stretch down the sandy beach.

“Not all. Some of them come with the properties, others you can rent.” I shrug out of my white wrap and drop it on top of my towel, instantly feeling Hudson’s eyes on me.

“I know I said I was all for spending the day with you half naked, but what the fuck is that?” he asks, his voice thick.

“It’s a bikini.” I look down at the navy and white polka dot bikini that is far less revealing than some of the others I own. “You don’t like it?” I ask, sliding my sunglasses down onto my face.