“So it’s a bad thing if people think we’re having sex?” he questions like the statement couldn’t sound more ridiculous.

“It’s a bad thing if people view me as just another one of your conquests.” The humor dies away as my true feelings boil to the surface. “Look, I like you, Sebastian. I really do. But if this is some screwed up game you’re playing to screw the uptight virgin, I’d appreciate it if you’d just not waste my time. I’m not interested in being just another girl in the long line of people you’ve slept with.”

I don’t expect my words to come out as harshly as they do, but the situation in chemistry class coupled with my altercation with Dylan seems to be weighing heavier on me than I initially thought. And while Sebastian has been nothing but amazing to me, I can’t help but be hesitant and suspicious; who wouldn’t be in my situation?

The last thing I expect is for Sebastian to find humor in my rant, so when he tips his head back and a full belly laugh erupts from his throat, I stand completely dumbfounded, not at all sure what the hell is happening.

“God, you’re something else.” He shakes his head, laughter still lacing his words. “Are you done now? Did you get it all off your chest?”

“I’m serious, Sebastian.” I cross my arms in front of myself.

He steps closer. “You really need to learn how to just go with the flow, Tess. Not everything has to be so life altering. So people talk, who cares.”

“I care.”

“Well, you shouldn’t.” He reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering on my cheek for a moment longer before it returns to his side.

“Come on, we’re gonna be late.” And with that, he loops his arm through mine and drags me alongside him, effectively ending our conversation.