I look up to find Trisha, one of Courtney’s good friends, sitting caddy corner from us looking directly at me. Heat creeps up my neck, spreading to my cheeks when I realize she’s talking about me and Sebastian.

“Oh, we’re not…” I start, the words sticking on my tongue.

“Thank you.” I hear Sebastian say next to me, officially cutting me off.

I turn wide eyes on him, shock probably etched in every feature of my face.

“Though I think it’s more Tess making me look good than anything,” he adds, his words meant for Trisha but his gaze never leaving mine.

“What are you doing?” I grind out under my breath so only he can hear me.

“What?” He gives me an innocent, knowing smile. “I’m just telling the people how smitten I am with you.” His tone is low, but I have no doubt that anyone who cares enough to listen can hear him.

“Is that what you’re doing?” I question, trying to fight the smile his words bring to my lips.

“I mean, I’m trying, but you’re getting all squeamish on me.” There’s humor in his voice but truth to his words.

Squeamish is exactly how I would describe it. I hate being put on display and right now, that’s exactly how I feel knowing that every set of eyes at our table and probably several other tables are locked on the little show Sebastian is putting on.

“Dear god, just kiss her already,” I hear Bree groan.

I’m seconds away from telling her where she can take her comment when Sebastian’s words render me speechless.

“Don’t mind if I do,” he says as his face lowers toward mine.

At first, I think he’s just going to kiss my cheek or something, but when he tips my face up my entire body freezes. My reaction time isn’t quick enough, and before I can even process his movements his lips are on mine, soft and smooth.

He keeps it PG, his mouth lingering on mine just long enough to get the reaction out of me he wants. I feel like I’m in a trance, lost in some hypnotic spell that Sebastian has cast over me.

Pulling back, he stares at me for a long moment. Time seems to slow down as those hazel eyes burn deeply into mine. Eyes that I’m sure hold more truths than the man they belong to will ever dare admit.

I know everyone sees Sebastian as the player, the football star, the unattainable heartthrob, and so did I for the longest time. But having spent these last few days getting to know him better, it’s clear to see there’s so much more to him than I originally thought.

I hear one of the girl’s sigh and then Ant groans, “Dude, we’re all trying to eat.” His words instantly break the moment, and my embarrassment spreads.

I immediately look away, wishing the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

It’s so easy to get lost in Sebastian’s charm that sometimes I forget that there’s an entire world going on around us.

“Stop being an ass,” I hear Courtney say seconds before she changes the subject, addressing the rumor that Mr. Johnson, my homeroom teacher, is sleeping with the married Mrs. Spellman from the Math department.

Silently thanking my best friend for knowing exactly how to draw the attention away from me, I spend the next twenty minutes trying to force down at least a little of my lunch. It’s not the easiest thing to do, especially when a certain gorgeous senior won’t stop staring at me.

He remains completely at ease like he doesn’t have a care in the world; meanwhile, I feel like a pressurized ball of nerves that’s going to explode at any moment, spewing my contents all over the lunch table in front of me.

By the time the bell rings, signaling the end of our lunch period, I’m both disappointed that my time with Sebastian is over and yet so relieved at the same time. Maybe once I get away from him this weird knot that’s formed in the pit of my stomach will go away, though I’m not entirely sure it will.

“Let me walk you to your next class,” Sebastian offers as we drop off our trays and make our way out of the cafeteria.

“And draw even more attention to us?” I question. “I think you put on enough of a show back there.” I gesture back to the table we just left. “Keep it up, and people might actually think you like me or something,” I joke nervously.

“And that’s an issue?” he questions with a smirk, taking my hand before leading me across the aisle and down the far left hallway, not stopping until we reach what I can only assume is his locker.

“I mean, I get it. You need to show off your charity work.” I shrug, humor lacing my words as I lean against the locker next to his. “Whatever it is we’re doing here though, I’d like to survive it with as much of my reputation intact as possible.”

“And being with me tarnishes that reputation?” he questions, cocking his head to the side as he pulls two books from his locker and tucks them under his arm before closing it.

“They think I’m sleeping with you, which doesn’t speak very highly of me.”