“You know, I actually felt bad for what I did to you,” he says, his nose snarled. “But then you go and pull some shit like this.”

“What are you talking about?” I don’t try to hide my confusion.

“Six months, Tess. We were together for six months, and still, you weren’t ready. One night at Sebastian Baxter’s house and you’re offering it up like it’s a free meal service that everyone is entitled to but me.”

His words are like a slap across the face, and I rear back from their impact.

This is the first interaction I’ve had with Dylan since our breakup, and he has the nerve to come at me about Sebastian after what he did with Taylor. Anger boils deep in my chest, and I have to physically restrain myself from exploding.

“So what if I did?” I find myself lying just to hurt him. “You’re the one who cheated on me, you broke up with me remember?”

“So you go and fuck the biggest player in school to get back at me?” His voice booms around me, and only then do I realize the eyes that have stopped to watch this little altercation.

“Fuck you, Dylan!” I seethe, surprising even myself. “Fuck you!” I repeat before spinning around and practically running down the hallway, leaving him standing in what I can only guess is complete shock.

I’ve never stood up to Dylan before, not like that. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good. It did. It felt better than good—amazing might be a better word for it. I just wish there weren't so many people around listening to him spew his lies.

Between the girls in Chemistry and Dylan’s little hallway outburst, it’s only a matter of time before the whole school thinks I screwed Sebastian Baxter.


The downfall to being in all advanced classes is that I rarely get to see my friends throughout the day. And with the day I’ve had, I could use a little detox time with Bree and Courtney. Luckily, like the last two years, we have the same lunch period. After grabbing a salad and yogurt from the lunch line, I make my way across the cafeteria to the far right side where Courtney, Bree, and I have sat every lunch period since freshman year.

As I get close to the table, for a moment I question if I’ve got the right spot. Our ten-person round table that usually sits around five girls and the occasional boy Bree is dating, is now packed full of guys and girls alike.

I hesitate before I spot Courtney who holds her hand up in a half wave the moment she sees me. I nod, surprised to find Ant sitting next to her. But the real shock is who is sitting on the other side of him.

A flood of heat washes over my face when those brilliant hazel eyes meet mine, and a slow smile spreads across Sebastian’s face. It doesn’t take me long to realize that there is only one seat open and it’s between Sebastian and Marissa, a mutual friend of our group.

I take a deep breath and head around the table, fully aware of how Sebastian’s eyes never lose sight of me, following my every move until I finally claim the seat next to him.

“Bout time your ass showed up.” Bree throws a French fry at me from across the table. It skids across the surface and ends up somewhere on the floor behind me.

“My class schedule is insane this year.” I try my best to remain casual despite feeling like I’m going to bounce out of my seat with nervous energy.

“Well, that’s what you get for being such an overachiever,” she teases, turning toward Blake when he grumbles something under his breath.

“Hey.” Sebastian gently nudges his shoulder against mine, pulling my gaze away from Bree.

“Hey.” I have trouble speaking around the knot in my throat.

It’s one thing to play pretend with Sebastian—to exist with him outside of school—but being here with him next to me feels almost like some cheesy teenage RomCom.

“You didn’t text me back this morning.”

“Sorry. I meant to. I just got really busy,” I croak out, my throat dry.

“I guess I can give you a free pass this time,” he teases, his mouth pulling up on one side.

“What are you doing over here anyway?” I try to push past my nerves, quickly adding, “Slumming it today?”

Sebastian always sits at the long table next to the windows where most of the football team and cheerleaders tend to congregate. To say I’m shocked to see him over here in my neck of the woods is the understatement of the year.

Not that my group of friends isn’t popular. I mean, Bree and Courtney are hands-down two of the prettiest girls in school, but we are definitely not part ofhiscrowd.

“More like I upgraded.” His response brings an immediate smile to my face. I swear if he was sitting any closer he could probably hear my heart thumping inside my chest.

I’m seconds away from spitting back some smart ass comment but can’t get the words out before I hear—“You two are just too cute together,” come from one of the girls at the table.