Who knew that one display of public affection in a crowded cafeteria could create so much buzz. I mean seriously, do people have nothing better to do than worry about who Sebastian Baxter is hooking up with?

I feel like every pair of eyes is on me as I make my way out of school at the end of the day. Maybe part of it is just me being paranoid, but I know for certain that’s not entirely the case. I had four different girls come up to me between the last two periods of the day wanting to know if Sebastian and I were dating.

I wanted to say yes, more than I thought I would. But instead, I settled for a shrug and non-committal response like“we’re just hanging out.”

To say it’s been an exciting first day is putting it mildly. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so much attention in my life, and truthfully, I’m not sure I like it. I mean, Sebastian I like. But I’m starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by what it might mean to be a part of his world.

All I want is to climb in Courtney’s car and whine to her and Bree about the day I’ve had, but my plans are immediately thwarted when I see Sebastian leaning against Courtney’s passenger side door, his muscular arms crossed in front of him.

My heart instantly kicks into overdrive, pumping so hard and fast it’s a wonder I don’t go into cardiac arrest.

“There she is.” He smiles, pulling me into his arms without an ounce of hesitation.

The heaviness of the day melts away the moment his scent invades my nostrils, and I feel the firmness of his chest against my cheek. I thought I needed Courtney and Bree, but maybe this was what I needed all along. Sebastian has this unique ability to make the outside world seem so insignificant.

“What are you up to now?” I pull back and peer up at him, his dazzling smile even more prominent in the bright afternoon sunlight.

“I was hoping I could give you a ride home.” He tucks my hair behind my ear, something I’m learning he does a lot.

“I usually ride with Courtney.” I gesture to the car behind him as I take a step backward.

“I’m aware, but usually doesn’t mean always.” He winks. “Come on.” He drops an arm over my shoulder, leading me away from the car.

“I should probably wait and tell Courtney,” I try to object.

“Already did.” He smiles down at me before turning his attention forward.

“Awfully presumptuous of you, Mr. Baxter; what if I didn’t want you to take me home?”

“You do,” he states matter of fact, humor lacing his voice.

“You’re confident,” I deadpan.

Seconds later his incredible laugh flutters around me. I swear I could record the sound of it and listen to it all day, every day. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard.

“And you, Ms. Wilson, are a pain in my ass,” he teases.

I’m ready to respond with some witty retort but end up changing gears when Sebastian stops next to a fancy black sports car.

“I thought you drove a Jeep?” I question, knowing that’s what he was driving Saturday when he came to my house.

“I do.” He pulls the passenger door open and takes my book bag, waiting until I’m planted inside before dropping the bag onto the floorboard between my feet and closing the door.

“Then whose car is this?” I ask when he climbs into the driver’s seat next to me.


“Yours?” I blanch. “You have a sports car and a Jeep? I can’t even afford a beater and here you have two vehicles that probably cost more than the house I live in.”

“Half.” He chuckles next to me.


“Half of the cost of your house.” He grins, clearly just messing with me.

“Wow. You really are spoiled.” I snap my seatbelt, turning my gaze out the windshield.

Sebastian is silent next to me for a couple seconds before he finally speaks again, and I’m instantly surprised by the vulnerability in his voice.