Turns out, he’s a man who loves red on a woman. Because the way he’s looking at me right now, is the same way he’s looked at me since he picked me up. It’s like he’s counting down the seconds until he can rip this dress from my body.

He told me to wear something that didn’t show off too much skin, but he never specified how tight or loose it had to be. And I went with a dress that is so fitting, if it were any tighter you’d think it was too small.

I opted to tie my hair half up and curl the bottom half that I left down, which ended up being the perfect look for the strapless dress. Partnered with red lips and a smoky eye look, and I dare say that I look pretty damn killer, which is not a common feeling for me. Not that I’mnotconfident, but I’m not usuallythisconfident, especially given what I’m likely facing tonight.

Now, let’s see how long that confidence lasts, I think to myself as Treyton releases my hand to open the door for me.

“Thank you.” I step inside, a little caught off guard by the sheer amount of people that are spread from one side of the restaurant to the other. All the normal tables have been cleared to make way for standing cocktail tables scattered throughout the room, and the lights have been dimmed to a soft, blue glow.

I don’t realize how tense my shoulders have become until Treyton once again takes my hand, drawing my attention to him.

God, how is he so gorgeous?

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve thought it every day since the moment I met him, but now, seeing him standing here in the dim lighting, his tailored suit hugging his broad shoulders, his hair styled back away from his face which is covered with a short beard that he’s purposely been growing for a certain scene in the film, it feels like I’m finally seeing the Treyton the whole world sees every day. And while there’s something to be said about this Treyton, I prefer the one who walks around my condo shirtless with his hair standing up in every direction as he rummages my kitchen for snacks.

“I’ve got you.” He squeezes my fingers, giving me a reassuring smile.

“I know you do,” I say, and I actually believe it. “You sure it was smart not to bring Nick or Micah?”

“Trust me, there’s enough security here to form a football team. It’s fine. Come on. I’m dying to show you off.” He presses a kiss to my temple then proceeds to pull me further into the room.

“There you two are.” A petite, middle-aged woman intercepts our path and it takes me longer than it probably should to realize it’s his manager, Kat. Though in my defense, I’ve only met her once, at the baseball camp Treyton took me to, and the encounter was rather brief.

“Here we are,” Treyton responds.

“Jackson O’Hare is here and he purposely sought me out to ask about what you have lined up after you’ve finished filming.”

“Wait,theJackson O’Hare?” Treyton is excited, though if I’m being honest, I’ve never heard the name before.

“Turns out, taking this movie is already paying off. Obviously, pending any incidents.” She looks at him the way my mother sometimes looks at me. It’s clear the two have a very close, honest relationship, if their ease with each other is any indication.

“I put him in contact with the agency to get a meeting set up,” she tells him.

“I should go say hello.”

“Yes, you should.”

Treyton starts to pull me alongside him when Kat intercepts.

“Maybe you should talk to him alone.” He gives her an irritated look. “I will keep Clarke company. You know she’ll be in good hands.”

It’s almost funny, because it really feels like he doesn’t want to leave me. Which is weird, right? Because if he didn’t care about me, he certainly wouldn’t be standing here hesitating, his fingers tightening around mine.

“It’s okay, Treyton. Go. I’ll be fine here with Kat.” I pry my hand away from his, shooing him away.

He hesitates another second or two before finally nodding, turning back to Kat.

“Do not leave her side,” he tells her.

“I won’t,” she promises.

“I’ll be right back,” he tells me, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

“I’ll be here.”

I watch him walk away, wishing like hell I could wipe this ridiculous smile off my face because I can feel Kat’s eyes on me, but I just can’t seem to do it.

“He cares for you.” Kat’s voice pulls my gaze toward her.