“So, he started saying he loved you right away, or was it after a few weeks?”

“He told me he was in love with me after our first time together. Said he felt the connection deep in his bones. Guess that should have been my first indication that something was amiss. He spoon fed me shit and I ate it up like it was chocolate pudding.”

“Eww, Mom,” I groan.

“Sorry, but you get the reference.” A light laugh fills my car.

“I do.”

“Listen to your instincts. If your gut is telling you there’s something off, listen. But don’t create problems simply because you’re afraid.”

“How do you know I’m afraid?”

“Because love is one of the scariest things in the world. But it’s also the most incredible too. What I felt for Bronson wasn’t real. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him, but that kind of love, while overwhelming and all consuming, was never something that was going to go the distance. But your father, while his love might not have been as exciting or flashy, it was the kind of love capable of forgiveness. And there is no more powerful of a love than someone who can look at you after you’ve done your worst, when you’ve burnt their entire world to the ground, and sayI forgive you. Especially when you don’t deserve it.” Emotion wells in her throat. “Find a man that loves you. All of you. That loves you because of your flaws, not in spite of them. Find a man that makes you feel like you’re the most important thing in the world. That puts you first, not sometimes, but every single day. I hope that man is Treyton, truly I do, because I can tell how deep you already are just by the tone of your voice. But if it isn’t, it doesn’t mean you won’t find him. You are good enough to be loved like that, Clarke. And you should demand nothing less.”

I blink rapidly, trying to fight against the well of tears behind my eyes.

“How do I know if someone loves me that much?” I croak.

“You’ll know,” she promises. “Maybe not right away, but you’ll know. As I said, trust your instincts.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Now, when do your father and I get to meet this man, officially, anyway?”

“I’d venture to say that’s going to be a while.” I laugh, wiping my cheek when one tear manages to squeak past my lashes.

“Why? Are you embarrassed of us?”

“Not at all. More like, I’m not sure where this is going, if anywhere, and I don’t want to sabotage it by moving too fast.”

“I get that. But we will get to meet him, eventually, right?”

“Let’s just see how this goes.” I chuckle

“Fine.” She playfully sighs. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t monopolize anymore of your time. I know how busy you are.”

“I’m never too busy for you. But I am almost at my next showing.”

“Okay, well you go make that money and we’ll talk soon, okay?”

“Sounds good.”

“I love you, sweetie.”

“Love you, too.” I pause. “And, Mom… Thank you. You have no idea how much better I feel.”

“Me too, honey. Me too.”

“Love you,” I say again.

“And I love you, my sweet girl.”

It’s the last thing she says before the line goes dead.

“Stop fidgeting.” Treyton wraps his hand around mine as we make our way toward the swanky L.A. restaurant hosting tonight’s party. Lifting my fingers to his lips, he kisses my knuckles. “You look beautiful.”

“You’ve said that about a hundred times already,” I remind him. Mostly because he has. On the way over he kept saying he didn’t know if he could keep his hands off me long enough to make it through this party.