Page 25 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Sixteen

First on the scene, Ruby ran up to the car that had smashed through the bank’s corner window and saw a very old man still strapped in the driver’s seat. His bloody face, filled with outraged fright, turned each way as if he couldn’t believe what had happened and where he was. Thankfully, the airbag had deployed and that most likely saved him from more serious injuries.

Within seconds, the bank manager rushed to her side. “Thank God you got here so fast. We thought he was dead.” The thin, glassy-eyed man swiped at the sweat on his forehead with a shaky hand, his face carved with disbelief and visions of how the hell he could explain this freaky disaster to the head office.

“Has anyone else been hurt?” Ruby’s calm words filtered through his anxiety.

“No. No, just the driver. We couldn’t get in to help him. At first, we thought he was dead, but he started moving just a few minutes ago. Poor old guy’s trapped by the crushed door.” He suddenly pointed to the inside of the car. “Look, he’s started thrashing around. We figure he must be in his nineties. Reminds me of my dad.”

“Yes, no doubt. Thanks. You can back up now, sir and give us room.”

“But the man’s terrified. He can’t get loose.”

“Right. Thanks. We’ve got this.” Waving him away, she went around to the passenger side, but when she tried to open the door, it was locked. Imprisoned by the steering wheel, crushed in place, she realized the driver couldn’t reach over to unlock the door. She turned with instructions to the others.

“Jack bring the center punch for the passenger window and the Jaw’s for the driver’s door.” When she saw Carolyn edging her way with a backboard and C-collar, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Within minutes, Ruby had the small tool held up to the unbroken window in her gloved hand. In seconds, the glass shattered, and she cleared it away. Without hesitation, knowing she would fit better than anyone else on her team, she took off her outer gear and climbed in through the window.

Speaking gently so as not to further tax the already unsettled man, she said, “You’ve had some excitement, sir. But we’re here now, and everything’s going to be just fine. Don’t worry. We’re going to help you.”

He all but whispered in a voice defeated by fear, “My car’s br-broken. Damnedest thing I ever saw.” He coughed, tried moving, and gave up. Then he added, “I-I st-stepped on the brake, and it accelerated. I sw-swear I pushed the br-brake.”

“Not to worry. Everything will be checked in time. Can you tell me your name?”

“M-my name? It’s… ahh, Jim. Jim Malone. I can’t move.”

“Look, Jim, I’m going to lean over you so I can get this collar around your neck. It’s normal procedure in case of injuries.”

He stared at her… dazed, fear plastered over his wrinkled, colorless face.

“It’s okay, Jim. I promise. It will support you.”

“Is anyone else h-hurt. Did I h-hit anyone? Oh, Lord. I di-didn’t hurt anyone, di-did I? Please—”

“No, no, everyone is fine. I want to check some of the cuts on your face. Are you injured anywhere else?”

“I don-n’t know. I can’t feel anything. I ca-can’t move.”

“You’re in shock, Jim. It’s common, don’t worry. Here, I’ll just be a second.” Skillfully, Ruby attached the collar and at the same time, scanned the cuts on his face. Thank goodness, they seemed superficial. “We’ll have you out of the car in a moment, Jim. Just rest easy.” She held his hand to stop its frenzied movement.

His rheumy eyes clung to hers. “I swear I hit the br-akes and the car went cr-crazy.” Suddenly, he moaned. “My wife will be angry with me for dr-iving. I’m sor-ry… so sorry.”

Jim began to cry.