Page 26 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Seventeen

Kurt stepped out of his hotel in Shanghai and waited for the driver he’d arranged to transport him around the city while he was there.

After getting caught up on all the aspects of the case, he knew his first stop would be to see Amber’s lawyer so they could coordinate her release with the least fuss possible.

Leaning against the building, he thought about the tongue lashing he’d gotten from Molly before he’d left.

Her beautiful face held worry mixed with exasperation. “You aren’t heading back out into the field again… tell me it isn’t so.”

“It’ll only be for a few days this time, I promise.”

“Kurt, you just got home after three months. Doesn’t anyone else work in that conglomerate they call a Bureau?”

“You know I can’t say much about the case, but I have the skills they need.”

“What… you speak all those fancy languages. I knew that was going to get your ass in a sling one day. See, I told you to stick to Spanish and English.”

“Hey, quit giving me a hard time, Ma. Who knew I’d have an affinity for learning dialects so easy? You’re supposed to be proud of your son being fluent in six languages.”

“My boy, you could strut sitting down. And who says I’m not proud. Just saying, I’d be more so if you were an accountant or a mechanic, but no… you have to go and be a Navy Seal with the armed forces. Wearing those fancy uniforms and such. Then you finally get home all in one piece and damned if you don’t start up with the FBI. Now I get to worry some more about that skinny ass of yours.”

He leaned toward her. “Hey, some women happen to think I have a fine ass.”

“Oh yeah? You watch your tongue, or I’ll kick that so-called fine ass right out that there door, see if I don’t.”

Laughing at her expected comeback, he spoke softly and winked, “Yes ma’am.”

She poked him in the stomach before wrenching him into a hard hug. “You just bring that fine, skinny ass home safely and make it soon.”

A car honking pulled him from his happy thoughts. He straightened and walked over to the black vehicle. Once inside, he held out his hand to his old buddy, Chang. “You sure this will be okay with your family? Me taking you away on your day off? I only meant for us to have a quick drink and catch up. I didn’t expect you to be my chauffeur while I was in town.”

“Hey, pal, when a commander saves my butt by running into open fire and pulling me to safety, I’ll always be happy to help him in any way I can.”

Chang Li grinned at Kurt before he pulled into traffic. “So, what’s the assignment?”

“That’s just it. I don’t know exactly how dicey it will get. According to the file, Amber Colthurst, the daughter of our Texas governor found herself in administrative detention because of a recent drug bust on her apartment. Seems Amber and a few of her teaching friends were enjoying themselves.

Also, during her stay here, she found out she’s been impregnated by a son of one of the more renowned Chinese families. His name is Chen Biao. The guy wanted her to stay in Shanghai to have the child, but now with the arrest, her family is against such an idea.”

“I guess it’s the shame of her situation. On the other hand, most Chinese families are very serious about a grandchild. It could be their first and maybe only grandson. That matters in this country.”

“I believe there was some discussion along those lines before she became a criminal, but now that she’s in trouble, her father worked some magic with the American government to get her deported rather than charged.”

“And the boy’s parents?”

“They’re willing for her to disappear safely back to her homeland in exchange for them having access to the child if it’s a grandson. Having money and friends in high places, they also pulled strings, but the window that the government has lined up for foreign nationals is short. They found her a good lawyer and were able to get her free from the criminal charges and be deported rather than the original sentence which could have ended in her spending a year in the Chinese prison before her trial date would even be set.”

“Ahh. So, you need to get her released before the system sends her there.”

“Yes. Arrangements are in place. I’m to meet with the lawyer who’s supposed to be transporting her. He’s being well-paid for the exchange to be done safely.”

“He’s willing to take the risk?”

“That’s the deal. He’ll keep an eye on her until I take over. I’ve been led to understand that for her freedom, she’s agreed to eventually set up a shared custody agreement.”

“Ah, they don’t know the gender?”

“I don’t believe so.”