Page 12 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Eight

Kurt couldn’t believe the seething rage he fought down. He’d never experienced this type of futile fury before that had to be curbed.

Earlier, arriving at Ruby’s house with her phone in hand, he thanked the Gods that he’d heard the ruckus in the backyard and had gone to investigate.

Seeing Ruby fighting for her life had detonated his killer instincts. He’d faced terror before, yet the reaction he felt tonight had shocked the living bejesus out of him.

Considering that this woman was virtually a stranger, his overpowering feelings to protect her seemed out of line. How had she become so important? He didn’t know why or how, but he knew she mattered.

At the moment, she huddled in the passenger seat, cowering next to him, her arms wrapped around her stomach like she was protecting jewels. She’d begun taking cleansing breaths and even put her head down by her knees as if to stop the sickness from reappearing.

Poor baby, her weepy sounds broke his heart, and he’d have given anything to be able to say the words she needed to hear – to soothe her and let her know he was there and would look after her.

How did one tell a stranger that you’d care for them without it coming out all creepy? “So you understand, Ruby, I’m driving you to the Baylor Center. I know a doctor there who’ll look after you. I’ll get a police officer to come to your room so we can give our statements.”

“What? No! I don’t need a hospital or a doctor… or for that matter, the police. I thought we were going back to my mom’s restaurant.”

“Why would I bring you there? You need medical attention. I’ll call her to meet us at Baylor.”

“God, no. You’ll scare her when it’s not necessary. You don’t understand, she’s fragile enough without getting a call like that. Just don’t. Promise me.” Her voice had risen perilously, and he didn’t want to take a chance of upsetting her worse.

“Okay. Calm down. We’ll see what the doctor says and go from there.”

“Look… ahh, Kurt is it? I’m fine, really. Just take me home.”

“Uh-uh! You’re bleeding and bruised. Those bastards hurt you so bad, you were sick to your stomach. You’re going where you belong. We’ll call the police to come there so you can file a complaint against them.”

As she swung his way, he heard her groan, her voice weak when she argued. “You deaf? I said, no police.”

He swung into the emergency lot, shut off the car, and made his way to her side. Before she could uncoil from the seat, he had her in his arms and was headed through the automatic double doors.


Wishing she could just blurt out the truth, that she was pregnant and emptying her stomach was a daily occurrence, Ruby snapped her lips shut and closed her eyes.

If the truth were known, the one who’d gripped her around her tummy hadn’t been fooling. He’d meant to overpower her, and she still experienced the pain of his rough hands. Good Lord, what was all that about?

What if they’d hurt her baby? Lord in heaven, when did it become her baby?