Page 13 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Nine

While Ruby was under the care of an old marine pal, Phil Hanson, a doctor at the facility, Kurt wandered the hospital hallway. Using the time, he called his partner, Neal, and asked for a favor.

“Hey buddy, I need you to go to this address and look around. Make sure the house is closed up, talk to the neighbors and see if anyone living close by has a video from earlier tonight… say from eight to approximately nine.”

“Okay. Why?”

“A friend was attacked there. I was able to run the bastards off, but I had to rush her to the hospital and couldn’t pursue them. They roughed her up, so I didn’t get a chance to lock the doors before we left.”

“Is she badly hurt?”

“No, I don’t think so, but she’s bruised and really shaken. She took some punishment fighting off the creep who tried to take her down.”

“Right. On it. I’ll let you know what I find.” Kurt heard the anger in Neal’s voice. Ever since Neal’s wife was in an abusive incident, he had a problem with men overpowering women.

“Good. It’s a crime scene, so be careful.”

“Will do. Talk soon.”

Kurt put his phone away and slumped into the nearest chair. He rubbed his knees, rocking slightly back and forth, a habit he had when he wanted to hit someone. Ruby might not want the police involved and that was her choice… even though it was a dumb choice.

He wasn’t that easily convinced that there shouldn’t be an investigation…. quite the opposite. Not wanting to overstep her boundaries, he’d decided to call in Neal, keep things on the sly rather than fighting with her while she was still in shock.

Thinking back to earlier in the evening, he admitted the two women he’d met at the restaurant were incorrigible and both delighted him. The very thought of either of them in trouble wasn’t to be borne. Yet he didn’t have the right to barge into her life and take charge. As ammunition for an intrusion, a kiss would only take him so far.

Before he could gather his wits, Phil Hansen approached. “Hey, bro, up to your old tricks I see.”

Confused, Kurt stood. “What old tricks?”

“Rescuing damsels in distress.”

“Not funny. I can’t help it if there’s so many pricks who dislike women and treat them like scum.”

Chuckling, Phil added, “Yet you often just happen to be around when the dirt goes down. And rather than looking the other way, you always seem to get involved.”

“See… that’s my upbringing. You know Molly.”

Nodding, Phil held out his hands. “Enough said. Sorry, bro. You were destined to be a nice guy. That woman is a saint.”

Changing the subject, Kurt asked, “What did Ruby have to say?”

“That someone had attacked her in her own back yard, and you came along just in time to save the day. Damn good thing you did. She might have lost the baby if you hadn’t interfered.”

Sweet smiling Jesus!

Well, wasn’t the joke on him… stupid son of a bitch that he was? Here he’d thought that anyone throwing around kisses like her would be single and available. Go figure his rotten luck to find out she was preggie and likely married.

His heart thudded to a stop and started again, this time at a much slower pace due to the remorse it had to deal with.

“Is she okay? The baby…?” He had to know.

“Yeah. She took a hit to her head that still has her reeling.” Phil stopped for a second as if he wasn’t sure whether to continue and then moved closer to Kurt, his mind made up. “She’s bruised around her waist where her assailant tried to hold onto her. But she’s a fiery little bundle.” He smiled and Kurt knew he filtered his thoughts before sharing more. “She’s a hell of a firefighter, man. I’ve had her in here before with injuries from her job and that little rebel never worried about her own grievances as she did about others. Always put the fire victims first. Stubborn as they come.”

Kurt could see Phil’s mind beginning to wander, and he had to ask before the man disappeared to his next patient.

“Can I go in and say hello?”

“Of course. And can you make sure she gets home okay? Obstinate rascal won’t stay, even though I suggested she should. It’s going to be an uncomfortable night for her. Her face took a hard hit. It’ll be sore and swollen. Lots of bruising, which made me want her to stay here under observation, but she argued. Says we need the beds for sick people.”