Page 38 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Twenty-four

Lian Lin used one of his many burner phones to contact his boss and update him on what was happening in Dallas. “Sir, I don’t feel we can be effective any longer. The police picked up Jian Huang and myself yesterday. They let me leave but they questioned Jian for stalking Miss Allen. She recognized him. He’s not very good at his job.”

“Did anyone recognize you?”

“I doubt it. Mr. Storm said nothing when he approached me. I don’t think he knew I was one of the men who stopped him in Shanghai.”

The man at the other end of the call hardened his voice. “I need those women followed until after they give birth. Those babies belong to their fathers. They want them. They’ve paid huge money for a baby with an American woman, and after all we went through to get them the mother they chose, I intend to make sure they get their newborns.”

“Yes. I understand. So far, Amber Colthurst has returned to her parents. From the tape we placed inside the home, she’ll be staying there until the birth of her baby which is due in a few months. It’ll be easiest to snatch it before she leaves the hospital.”

“What about Miss Allen?”

“We haven’t been able to prove her pregnancy yet.”

“You were supposed to find some evidence when you broke into her house.”

“We found nothing.”

“Keep searching. Find me proof. Mr. Chu is one of my richest clients. He chose her from the files of ten other possible surrogates and demands that baby. I want him satisfied.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ll send a replacement for Mr. Huang. Be sure the new person knows the stakes are high. We’ve successfully delivered more than a dozen newborns to Chinese fathers who have not married. Demand is increasing. Every single man who dreams of having an heir is willing to pay for the privilege of a mixed-race child. I don’t understand. But I will deliver.”

Lian deliberated before he spoke. Confusion appeared in his tone. “Yet Miss Colthurst was willing to stay in China and marry Chen Biao. It’s a shame the police broke into her apartment that night.”

“How did you learn about this thing?”

“We heard her speaking to her mother.”

“Yes, well, what Miss Colthurst is unaware of would make her very sad. Chen’s parents have no wish for an American daughter-in-law. They only want a grandson. They kept Chen from being with her during the arrest. Then they called the police and hired me.”