Page 37 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Twenty-three

Kurt couldn’t believe it when he came face to face with one of the three men who’d tried to snatch Amber before they left China. Finding him together at the restaurant with the same guy Ruby described as her stalker appeared confusing, to say the least.

There was something fishy going on, and he needed to get to the bottom of it. Earlier, as he’d approached the second man who Ruby had detained, he’d used his phone to take a photo of the license plate and the fellow himself. Unfortunately, he’d had to let him go. Other than fleeing the scene, he’d done nothing to break any laws.

When he returned to where he’d cuffed her stalker, a police car had already appeared. After a few words with one of the officers he happened to know, they arranged for the perp to be taken downtown and booked for resisting arrest.

He’d take that opportunity to check for personal history from the FBI files. If they had nothing, which he suspected would be the case, he’d send images of the two to Chang and see if he could find someone in China to help with their backgrounds. Money talked no matter what country a person lived in. And Chang had a lot of friends and far-reaching power.


Sometime later, after he’d interviewed her stalker at the office, he still knew less than nothing. Having to release the man went against his principles. But other than Ruby’s word that he was stalking her, they had nothing that would stick to charge him with.

As strange as it seemed in a city the size of Dallas, people did run into each other by chance. Resisting arrest wouldn’t hold up in any court since there was no actual crime committed, giving them a reason to stop the man in the first place.

Unable to prove him as one of the two who’d broken into Ruby’s house, they had nothing there either. It was possible he’d been in on it. His size would fit with the suspects but seeing that there were no fingerprints or any other kinds of evidence, they were stymied.

Considering their culprit refused to speak without his lawyer present, a businessman who sneered at their lack of sufficient evidence, they’d released him within two hours.

As for Lian Lin, though he recognized him from the incident in China, he still had nothing to arrest him for here.

Jesus, he hated cases like this. Where one’s instincts knew there was probable cause, but no judge would sign a warrant on the flimsy shit they had.

Yet, he’d seen the look on Ruby’s face in the restaurant. He knew that man had a lot more to answer for than appearing in her life once too often. She was hiding something. She’d already lied to him about being married, thank God he’d learned the truth about that. But she had more to reveal, and he intended to get the truth out of her.

Remembering the earlier steamy incident in her mother’s office, kissing her had been an irresistible urge he’d never experienced before. No woman ever stood between him and his mission. Ruby’s allure had completely taken his mind off his intention to stop those men. Holding her in his arms had triggered an overwhelming emotion, and it threw him completely.

That redheaded witch had put a spell on him, and it hadn’t dimmed. He couldn’t wait to be with her again and ask the multitude of questions needing answers. Like, why she felt it necessary to use a dummy husband rather than telling the truth? And how she’d managed to put a spell on him so he couldn’t think straight in her presence?