Page 24 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Fifteen

“Storm, in my office.”

Kurt looked up to see his superior wave to him and then disappear. Neal grinned. “He likes you.”

“Yeah. Too much. Every time something comes up that no one else wants to handle, he calls on me to deal with it.”

“Hey, he knows a good man when he sees him.”

“Flattery will get you a kick in the ass, buddy. This time, you take the undercover assignment. I need some downtime.”

Laughter following him, Kurt went to the office and looked in. “You called?”

“Right, come in and close the door.” His boss waved him to the chair and took his own behind a littered desk. “What do you know about the upsurge in the Chinese crackdown on drugs?”

“Only what I read in the regular reports about the country. They are strict and with their large population, it’s probably a good thing.”

“Right. Well, it seems that they have perfected their punishment for people who break their laws and shall we say… ignore the rules. Sadly, one of our US citizens, a daughter of the local governor, has gotten into some hot water over in China and they’re threatening to put her in detention for up to twelve months before they even begin a trial. I need you to go there, pay the fine and whatever the costs are for her to be deported, and then escort her home.”

“Okay. And… why will they release her?”

“Because someone in Shanghai who knows the girl must have some pull. As does her father here in the US. According to our informant, the Chinese are holding her in solitary confinement until next week. Then she’ll be transferred to one of their prisons for a year’s detention. The family has hired lawyers willing to help get her free, but I need a man who’ll pick her up and make sure she’s brought safely back stateside.”

“And you want me to be that man.”

“Yeah. You’re the perfect person for the job. Not only do you speak Mandarin, but I also happen to know you have various connections with one of the Chinese police officers you met over in Afghanistan.”

“First of all, Chang comes from a very old Chinese family, and I couldn’t involve him in anything elicit. Secondly, what exactly did this person do?”

“Right. Her name is Amber Colthurst. It seems she went to Shanghai with an EFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) degree and being young, foolish, and used to a lot of tolerance in her family, she and a few of her friends held parties that got out of hand. Not only did they have large quantities of alcohol and marijuana, but there were also Chinese students who partied with them.”

“And the Shanghai police didn’t like them having fun.”

“Not with drugs. As you know, they’re strict, especially with those who don’t belong.”

“I’m surprised they’re willing to let her leave.”

“Seems the Governor has big pockets, and Amber has pull with one of the Chinese family whose son won an award as a future leader in finances. I don’t know much more but the window for her leaving is closing, so it must be soon. You’ll have to catch the flight today.”

“Jesus. I just got back from a case. I haven’t even been fully debriefed.”

“I know, son. It can’t be helped. This girl is only twenty-three and she’s pregnant. Her parents want her home yesterday.”

“She’s pregnant?”

“Yeah. I have everything arranged. All you need to do is grab an overnight bag, pack for maybe three days, and you’ll be back before you know it. Here’s the file. You’ll have plenty of time to read it on the flight over.”

“Right.” Kurt’s mind was still on the one word that had him reeling.

Fucking pregnant!

Why the hell was he suddenly surrounded by women in the family way?