Chapter Thirty-nine

Once Barney had Sophia alone, he lit in. “What’s going on? You wouldn’t be calling for rooms in the middle of the night unless something happened. And seeing the shock on that pretty girl’s face, and her bandaged hands, I’m thinking it wasn’t good.”

Sophia knew she could trust her cousin. He’d defend her with his life, but she had no right to expect it from him. Or to bring any kind of threat to his family or his home. “Barney, I’m ninety-nine percent sure that coming here tonight will in no way endanger you, Ellie or the hotel. Stasia and Sam just needed a place to lie low for the next few days and me being here would not seem unusual to anyone.”

“Of course not. You’ve stayed here plenty of times. But what about the others? What’s their stories?”

“Sam owns the Reagan Group based out of Miami. Maybe you’ve heard of it?”

“Of course, I have. He’s a bigshot in law enforcement circles, or should I say his company is. They have a stellar reputation.”

“Yes. I know. He’s working on a case involving human trafficking right now.”

“Seriously? In Rhodes? Lordy, that shocks me.”

“I know. It shocked Yanis too. Look, I can’t tell you much about what’s happening other than to say the girl, Stasia, is a victim. She’s a sweet thing, comes from a large family in Sochi, and wanted to help her widowed father. She opted to take the job offer from men who came to her factory, conning quite a few youngsters to sign on for a better life. They convinced them to come to Greece, work hard, and be able to send money home.”

“Instead they force them to what… work in brothels?”


“Sons abitches! How did you find her?”

“She had the guts to run away from her jailers. I met up with her on the beach and took her under my wing.”

Barney grinned at Sophia and ruffled her hair, something no one else would ever get away with. “You’re everyone’s warrior,cuz.”

“Barney, she’s been badly hurt, probably scarred forever. Right now, she needs to feel human again, and that she’s worthy.”

Barneynodded,his face suddenly serious. “Well, I’ll keep her busy for now working with Ellie and the kids. If she’s everything you say she is, maybe we can come to an arrangement for her to stay on. How old is she?”

“I’d say fifteen at the most.”

“Then she should go back to school, shouldn’t she?”

“It would be the best possible conclusion. But not until next year. By then she’ll have completely succeeded in learning English. And she’ll have put this horrible experience behind her. Time has a way of healing open wounds.”

“Yes. Like youmissingYaya. You’re dealing much better now than when she first passed.” He closed in on her, his hand rubbing her shoulder. “We can see what happens with Stasia. Of course, it depends on whether Ellie and the children like her. And if she likes us.”

“That would be ideal, Barney. But I think you should call her Anna while she’s here. Stasia isn’t as common and might be recognized.”

“Good idea. Best to keep her presence hidden, right?”

She grinned his way. “You keep being this nice, I might have to give you a hug.”

“Seriously? Are you feeling okay?” He laughed when instead she slugged his arm.


Barney and Sophia happened to walk in just as Stasia made her announcement that she needed something to do. And it was Barney who spoke first. “If you really mean that, I have five kids who are driving my wife a little batty right now. Three of them have colds, aren’t allowed out, and demand constant attention. If you want to help, young lady, I’d be glad to pay you for any hours you’re willing to spare. If you can keep those monsters occupied, read to them, and play with them, you’ll be a lifesaver. My poor Ellie is close to losing her mind about now and would bless you.”

Sophia looked toward Sam to confirm approval, and he nodded back. Then he spoke to Stasia. “Would you like to help Barney out? If so, you know you must stay away from the other guests and not let anyone see you.”

Barney turned to Sophia and cut in, “In case you’re worried about the Russian guests we had here earlier, I’ve asked them to leave, and they departed this morning. They were rowdy and rude. The rest of our vacationers are a fun bunch. So, she should be safe from prying eyes. But we do have back doors to our private home. I’ll show her so she never has to be in the main lobby or any of the guest areas.”

Sam made the final decision.“Then I think it’s an ideal solution to keep her occupied while giving us the freedom to do what needs to be done. Things will be coming to a head very soon, and there’s a lot of planning and organizing before we make any moves.What do you think, Sophia?”

“If Stasia would like to do this, then I agree.” She turned to see a delightedgirl,her hands clasped in front like in prayer. “Stasia? Are you okay with this arrangement?”

“Yes, please.”

“Then it’s settled.”

Barney’sexpression had lit withinterestwhen he’d heard Sam speak about the operation getting exciting soon.His last words didn’t surprise.“Samcount me in if you need something I can provide.”

Sam wished that were possible, but before he could ask any favors from Barney, he needed to make a call.