Stasia dropped the mug from her hands, and it crashed to the floor. The stark white color that flooded her face proved her guilt. “I had to call Maria. She is only eleven. I wanted her to know we come to help her soon. Sam, I was like sister for her. I know losing me will be hard, that she is sad, maybe give up… wish to die.” As she spoke, she slid to her knees, begging him to understand. “I did bad thing.” Her beseeching gaze had him rushing to her. “Didn’t I? And they find me. I am so sorry.”

Sam lifted her from the floor and sat her in a chair. He pulled another one close so he could watch her face and let her see his. “No, honey, don’t apologize for caring, Stasia. It’s just that we have more going on here than just freeing your friends. Those men can’t find us again. We need to stay out of their way so they can’t stop us from closing them down. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. It is my fault. I neverwouldphone her if I know they can find me because of call.”

“Chances are, they had her phone set up so if you made a call, they could intercept. There is one thing I’ve wondered though. Why did they give you phones? You’ve mentioned before that you had one, but you left it at the hotel.”

“They told us it is allowed we only call them on these phones and only if we need them to pick us up… or if we have trouble. They said phones were cheap – best to have for safety. But I memorize Maria’s number, and she did mine, so we can call each other sometimes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me. I would have taken you to a public phone where they couldn’t have traced you.”

“I don’t know, Sam. While I was alone, the phone in house rang. I didn’t answer it – like you said not too. Barney’s voice says he’s checking to be sure Sophia comes to dinner tomorrow. I think he wants to chat like he said in themessage. I like his voice. He makes jokes. It makes me think. Maybe I call Maria. If she isn’t with customer, we talk too.”

“You’ll be able to talk with her very soon, honey. Just hang in there and trust me and Sophia.”

Stasia threw her arms around Sam’s neck and hugged tight, her stress now lessened, her fears seeming to be under control. “I wish to find way I repay you and Sophia. I clean for you, wash clothes, look after house. I like to be busy. At home, I take care for my sisters and brothers, not just hang around with lazy hands and too much time.”