Chapter Twenty-one

Taking care to get Stasia back to Tanya’s car unseen, Sophia drove her to the house and wasn’t surprised to find Sam waiting for them, leaning against a different but gorgeous dark green bike.

He watched them approach before he unclasped his arms and straightened to stand upright. The way he moved, unhurried with a laziness like a wild lion about to survey his kingdom, made her pulse quicken. This man was a menace to her equilibrium, and he needed to leave.

Then she closed in and saw the bruise on his face and a whole different feeling took over. Angry, but not at him, she stalked closer and asked, “Who were you brawling with?”

“Just a couple of guys looking for trouble. It’s no biggie.”

“Oh, I get it. You started a fight for shits and giggles.”

“Who said I started it?”

Sophia didn’t know what would satisfy her temper more. To slap the teasing grin off his face or have him leave and not come back. “What do you want?”

Stasia approached, almost skipping towards the jerk, obviously happy to see him. “Hi Sam. Have you come to see us?”

The silent glare happening between Sophia and Sam finally registered, and the young girl looked scared. “I’m sorry. Are you angry? Did I say something wrong?”

Taking pity on the youngster, Sophia stopped scowling at the man, and instead put her arm around Stasia and led her to the house. “Of course not. Sam is coming in for a quick cup of coffee.” A thought crossed her mind and she added, “And he can stay to keep you company while I go to see an old friend.”


Sam was stubborn, she’d give him that much, but she wouldn’t be deterred. “Look, I need to visit Yanis and find out what really happened to Mayor Alexopoulos. Stasia told you about the man who’s now mayor. Well the old mayor was a dear friend of both me and Tanya. I can’t believe he’d drive off a road he’s driven on all his life. I need to check into what could have happened to him.”

“Yet if you go out in public, those men might have spies out watching for you. They could get to you.”

She held her hand out and said, “Give me your phone.” When he did so, she added her particulars and then gave him her phone to do the same. “Okay, we’re connected. You can keep tabs on me. You have my GPS. Stay here with Stasia. She can’t come with me. I won’t take that chance.”

“Goddammit, woman, but you’re stubborn. She’ll be safe here alone. It’s you I’m worried about. I need to go with you.”

“No. I’ll be fine. As my Dad always says, ‘stay where you’re to ‘til I comes where you’re at.’” She grinned at his perplexed stare. “Nevermind. Look, I know my way around Old Town. I can hide where no one could find me. If I get into trouble, I’ll text you.” Unwilling to carry on arguing, she walked to the door and left the house. The next sound coming from the yard was his bike starting up.

“Blasted hell. Damn woman stole my bike again.”