For the first time, Sophia saw the idiot rattled and could give a shit. “Look, my friend isn’t well. Don’t worry about another appointment. We were here to see Hamilton anyway.” She saw Stasia speeding to a doorway with the restroom sign high on the wall above. Then she turned to the disgusted-looking fellow reaching for the intercom phone. She stopped him.

“What happened to Mayor Alexopoulos. How did he die?”

“I really don’t know for sure, Miss Dunne. They found him still in his car at the bottom of the cliff off Atki Kanari. Maybe the old man had a heart attack or too much to drink. Who knows?”

And you could care lessSophia thought as soon as the words left his mouth. She did not like this guy and couldn’t leave his space fast enough. But she also wouldn’t go without setting him straight. “Listen here, that old man was a saint. He helped the people in this city, and they loved him. Let’s hope the new mayor can carry on his legacy.”

She stomped away before she set this sneering bastard on his ass and went to find Stasia. When she opened the door, she saw a distraught girl shaken and white-faced. Sophia found it hard to believe she was the same calm person who’d walked in with her just a few minutes earlier.

“Stasia! What’s happened?”

“He is customer?”

Confused, Sophia asked, “The secretary?”

“No, not him. The mayor. I recognize him from picture. He likes more than one girl at a time. He is a pig.”

Gentle Jesus!“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Yes. He must not see me. He is friend with Manos.”

Suddenly, her ears perked up, and Sophia got serious. “This Manos, who is he? You never mentioned him last night.”

“He is big boss. Everyone is scared of him. The woman at the house is his person – he depends on her most. She is in charge of girls. Remember, I told you last night about Fedrika? Well, she is bitch who keeps girls in line.”

“How old is this female? Is she Greek?”

“I don’t know. Her hair is light, but could be dyed, and she’s wrinkled like elephant. She’s old, at least forty, and smokes many packages of cigarettes a day, and… and she drinks much vodka in big glass. I hate her.”