Page 74 of Special Agent Rylee

Chapter Fifty-five

Rylee pounded on Jake’s door and breathed a huge sigh of relief when he opened it to her.

“Damn you, Jake. You scared me. I thought you might pull some vigilante bullshit.”

“Trust me, I really want to. Come with me, they’re still at it.”

They both headed to the balcony and Rylee noticed the single glass of red wine next to the almost full bottle on his table. His laptop lay open beside it. Following Jake’s lead, she leaned over the railing, hanging precariously, until she spied the couple below.

He was a tall man, certainly could be the guy in the photo Carl had sent. But there was no way she could know for sure. Both him and the man in the FBI image had short dark hair and a forgettable face with no scars, tattoos, or blemishes that would stand out.

Most in his line of work stay inconspicuous, keep a low profile, be forgettable. This guy’s normality might be a sign he was their man. She just couldn’t be sure from this angle. She tuned in to their argument and felt Jake stiffen next to her.

“You’re a real bitch, Eve. And you’re sneaky, hiding your flirting. Ya think I’m blind? That I didn’t see the way you wiggled your fat ass past that guy in the lounge chairs next to us.”

“Fuck, Larry, give it a break already. I’ve told you so many times, it’s the way I walk. I can’t help if my body sways. I’d fall flat on my face if I tried to stop what comes natural.”

“Nothing’s natural about you. You’re all fake.” He stepped closer, grabbed the front of her bathing suit and squeezed her breast so hard she let out a yelp. “I paid good money for these babies. They’re mine and don’t you forget it.”

Jake’s growl had Rylee turning, her finger reaching for her mouth, “Shuuu. I want them to keep talking.”

“If he hits her, I’ll be on him like lint on wool.”


“Larry, son of a bitch, that hurts. Let go, and I’ll make it up to you, baby. I can make you feelrealgood.” Eve’s hand wandered to the front of his pants, and she caressed the protrusion he couldn’t hide.

“Yeah, well you’d better. Why do you think I brought you along on this business trip? Come ‘ere, baby.”

“First, promise me we can go to the Italian place for dinner tonight, okay Sugar? I brought a new dress I haven’t had a chance to wear for you yet. I know you’ll love it. It’s your favorite color of royal blue.” Eve had slinked from her chair and forced her way into Larry’s arms, clinging, kissing his neck and rubbing her body against his – determined to get her way.

His hands on her butt, grinding himself into her welcoming body, he muttered, “Okay. Yeah, we can go. Just don’t piss me off again, or I swear, I’ll make you pay.” He ushered her through the doorway and out of sight.

Backing away from the balcony railing, Rylee slumped down at the table, lifted the wine glass and took a gulp, her hands shaking, her mind shooting lightening bolts of disgust while her tight body felt as if it might shatter. Disgust held her in its grip. How could any woman let a creep like Larry play her that way? Goddammit, some women were pathetic.


Jake could see Rylee’s revulsion, felt it like a living entity between them. “You think he’s the guy the FBI cameras picked up on?”

“Hell, I don’t know. He’s the creepy kind of bastard who might make his living that way. I guess we need to go to dinner tonight to see if we can’t get closer and check him out for sure. We know he’ll have to make his move soon if he intends to get to you while you’re on the ship. Let’s face it, you’ll be much harder to pick up back in Miami where your bodyguard is in constant attendance and the FBI have you covered.”

Jake surprised her with his next statement. “I’m almost finished with the app now; I’ve been getting in a few hours here and there between all the ongoing excitement, and I’ve finally figured out the last link to making it viable.”

Satisfaction flared and a strange excitement took hold of Rylee. “That’s good, right? Once it’s done you can let it go, and the heat’s off. You’ll be able to live a normal life again. Or as normal as you can with three kids.”

Jake pushed his way from his chair and confronted her, his hand out. “Come ‘ere, baby.” He’d switched voices to sound surprisingly like the fellow they’d recently eavesdropped on. “I’ve decided you’re gonna pay for making me wait for your answer about sharing my world.”

Rylee’s attitude underwent a change, and she playfully responded, “Ahh… screw you, sugar. And, so you know, I’ll be wearing the oldest, ugliest dress I have to eat pasta in tonight, and you – ya jerk – you’ll just have to like it.”

Feigning fright, Jake held both hands up protectively. “Okay, lover, fine. Whatever you say.”

Laughing, she went into his arms, and Jake breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn’t screwed everything up with the prickly woman after all. She had feelings for him. He could sense they were strong. She needed time to accept she couldn’t fight them off. That they wouldn’t just disappear. That her and Jake were meant to be together.

A meow from the nearby chair caught their attention. Rylee picked up Boo and cuddled the fuzzy little monster close. Then she shocked Jake back into his state of mass worrying.

“How about this – you get the kids, and I keep the cat?” Before he could answer, she passed over the kitten, made her way to the door… her words clear. “Pick me up for dinner, Sugar. And don’t be late… or I’ll make you pay.”