Page 75 of Special Agent Rylee

Chapter Fifty-six

Before going to dinner, Jake had to check on the kids so he headed to the room where they were.

The woman Carl had hired to stay the night in case there was any need of her assistance opened the door, a warm smile of greeting when she saw who was waiting. “The kids are fine, Mr. Andrews. They settled quickly. I think it’s been a long day for them as Miguel admitted.”

Jake stepped into their room and went to where cribs had been set up for the babies. They both slept on their backs, their arms wide. While Juan had a small grin on his face that was endearing, Angelina seemed to be having dreams that changed her expressions every few seconds that were enchanting.

After he checked to see that Miguel was obviously deep into dreamland, he backed out of the room and closed the door.

“If anyone but me, Carl or Miss James knocks, don’t let them in. Just call security. There’s some crazies on board the ship, and I don’t want to take any chances.”

“Of course. Don’t worry. They’re fine and no doubt will sleep till morning.”

Making his way to collect Rylee, Jake went back over the events of the evening, his fear for Rylee uppermost in his mind. How could he live knowing her job put her in jeopardy every day? That she likely chose assignments because of their danger. Yet how could he stop her from doing what she loved?

His feet slowed down from the sudden knowledge that he had no say in her choices. They were hers to make. He leaned against the wall, trying to stave off the weakness, but he knew it wouldn’t be fought back much longer. Changing direction, he made his way further up the corridor and entered his own cabin where he knew no one would be able to see a grown man cry.

And cry he did. Sobs broke loose while he stumbled to the sofa and covered his face. He wanted so many things, but at the top of his need-list Rylee’s name blinked like a neon sign. If he didn’t have her, none of the other stuff mattered. The kids, his job, Leo, the rehab farm or his dreams of a clinic, nothing gave his heart solace.

He came so close to losing her yesterday, so fucking close that thinking about it made him pale and his hands shake. The sickness he fought against ever since he saw the water spurting from those fucking bullets roiled in his stomach and made him fly to the bathroom where he found some relief.

Returning to his perch on the sofa, he used a damp washcloth to wipe his face and neck and then leaned back and made a decision he couldn’t ignore any longer.

He needed to prepare himself to let her go. To stop holding on so tight he choked the life out of her. She had to decide what it was she wanted. Her decision, not his. He knew without any doubts, she mattered more than anyone else. Now the rest was up to her.

Did she want to be with him, with his kids, live in his world and take on his dreams? Lord it was a lot to ask from a girl who’s only wish was to be left alone.