Page 64 of A Perfect Discovery

‘So, she is your girlfriend?’ Ron waggled his eyebrows.

Calum stared ahead. What to say? Nothing would make it right.

‘It all makes me very anxious,’ Anne said. ‘I don’t trust any of them.’

A slight cough behind made them spin around. Rhona stood with her lips pressed together, her gaze moving from person to person. Before anyone could speak, the announcer’s voice burst from the Tannoy, telling them to return to their vehicles. Calum positioned himself between Rhona and his parents as they made their way downstairs.

What the hell would they do once they got to the competition? Would they sit beside each other? Maybe they shouldn’t. Should he suggest they sit apart?

He drove off the boat and straight for the sports centre. The car park was over half full and Calum pulled into a space near the back of the building. A yellow sandwich-board sign pointed to the competitors’ entrance.

‘I have to go this way,’ he said. ‘I’ve messaged you all my competitor’s code so you can get a spectator’s badge.’ He lifted his kitbags out the boot and slammed it. Ron pulled him in for a hug.

‘Knock ’em out, son.’ He slapped his back hard. ‘We’ll be shouting you on.’

‘Thanks, Dad.’ He went to his mum and hugged her. ‘I love you, Mum. Thanks for coming.’

‘Aw, you’ll make me cry, you big softy.’ She clung to him. ‘Whatever happens in there, you’re still my best boy.’

‘Mum, if you want to sit on your own, it’s ok, really,’ he whispered.

‘Don’t worry, we’re all adults, we’ll be fine.’ She kissed his cheek.

Rhona gave Calum a weak smile and twisted her fingers together as he approached her. He put his arms around her. She stiffened in a way so unlike her normal cuddly self. Tentatively, she placed her hand on his back. Calum pressed his lips to her temple and held them there. ‘Only sit with them if you want to. I won’t be offended if you need space.’

‘I’ll be fine. You concentrate on the competition.’

‘I’m not sure I can.’ He kept his voice low. She tightened her grip, almost crushing him. ‘I love you,’ he whispered, so softly he wasn’t sure if it had come out, but he couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Rhona let out a whimper. Was it a cry or a laugh? Surely she wasn’t laughing at that? ‘Oh, Calum.’

‘Just do what you have to.’ He let her go, picked up his bags and gave them a wave as he trudged towards the competitors’ entrance. His head was ringing. He’d told Rhona he loved her in front of his parents. He was sure they hadn’t heard. Had Rhona? Her reaction had been odd but it didn’t matter. He’d released some tension getting the words out. Now she knew. Now he knew. But knowing didn’t make it any easier. If his parents’ attitude over the last hour was anything to go by, things were about to get a whole lot worse.

Chapter 19


Rhona shivered. The sun beat down on the car park but she and Calum’s parents were in the lee of the modern sports centre. It wasn’t the shade cooling her blood. Calum had gone, leaving her with two people whose faces were serious and closed.

She adjusted her lightweight scarf and rubbed her arms. Before he left, Calum had whispered in her ear.I love you.Holy shit!He’d actually said it. Her stupid insides had transformed into jelly and she hadn’t replied. Now he was gone.

‘Oh god,’ she said aloud. Why hadn’t she said it back? She wanted him to know she loved him too.So damn crazy much.Could she go after him and tell him?

‘Shall we go in?’ asked Ron. ‘Or would you prefer we left you alone?’

‘I, er, I don’t mind. I’m happy doing anything as long as I get to watch Calum.’

‘Well, that’s why we’re all here,’ Anne said. ‘So let’s put differences aside and support him.’

Rhona summoned a smile she hoped looked genuine. ‘Sounds like a good plan.’

They joined a queue for the main door and Ron struck up a conversation with a stranger which excused Rhona from having to make small talk. Normally she could do that no bother but today it was like paddling against hostile waves.

If she and Calum were together, this would be what it was like. And worse. Once her family were in the mix too things would plummet. It wasn’t like they could have big family birthday parties or Christmas dinners, not unless they wanted them to end with smashed crockery and broken hearts. She pushed her hair out of her face and sucked in a long slow breath.

Not wanting to rock the boat, she let Anne and Ron choose seats. They climbed the rattly steps on the giant pull-out stand in the arena. Rhona sat beside Anne, her arms tense and her entire body stiff.

‘So, what is it you do?’ Ron peered around his wife and smiled at Rhona. His bulky arms leaned on his knees. They were covered in tattoos, too many to take in but they seemed to have a nautical theme. She spotted ropes, anchors and a mermaid. It knocked her shell into a cocked hat.