Page 65 of A Perfect Discovery

‘I’m an archaeologist.’

‘Ah, that makes sense.’ Ron exchanged a glance with Anne. ‘Have you been working at Kilnarkie?’


‘Calum said he was having work done.’

‘Did you find anything important?’ Anne tucked a strand of burgundy hair behind her ear.

‘Yes, I did. An Iron Age homestead; I found the hearth stone and parts of the outer wall.’

‘So does that mean he can’t build the house?’ Anne’s sharp and aquiline features were similar to Calum’s. He’d taken most of his looks from her.

‘He can once the report has been published. Everything’s been mapped and recorded and I’ve made a reconstruction too so the history will be well documented.’

‘Well, that’s something,’ Anne said. ‘He paid a lot for that land; I wouldn’t want it to be worthless.’

‘It’s a beautiful part of the island.’ Ron rubbed his thick knees. ‘He paid over and above to get it because he wanted to live there himself.’

‘I don’t think he ever will.’ Anne side-eyed Rhona. ‘There are too many complications.’

Yup.Rhona smiled, covering her inner sigh, and fiddled with her skirt. She scanned around, half hoping to spot someone she knew. If she did, she could jump ship and go talk to them. But a sea of unfamiliar faces swam before her.

Ron however seemed to know several people or spoke to them anyway. Rhona busied herself on her phone, checking up often and smiling their way so they wouldn’t think her rude and ignorant. She messaged Cha and updated her. With her being far away, it was easier to confide. And for Rhona to hide her sense of gloom, framing it as an everyday nightmare occurrence in the life of Rhona Lamond.

CHA: Good god!!! Can you not escape? Go and sit somewhere else.

CHA: Stop the bus… rewind… You’re seeing him? What about the thing with Arran? WTAF! He beat your brother to a pulp. Are you forgiving him? Did he give you a good reason? Because it better be bloody good. You don’t want to see someone who might turn on you at any time.

Rhona flicked off the phone. That was still a mystery. She’d never discovered why Calum had hurt Arran. It seemed so unlikely that he would. But her parents were so insistent he’d done it in an unprovoked attack and Rhona had never questioned it. Until she’d met him. And then it didn’t fit him at all. So much so, she hadn’t even thought about it. The man she’d been with was so far from violent. Was it possible the whole thing was a mistake? Could Arran have lied? Maybe he fell but blamed it on Calum for whatever reason. Rhona winced. Was the whole family feud based on a lie?

The noise died down. An announcer walked out below and introduced the first round. The floor had been divided into four marked areas and eight competitors marched on together, splitting two to a mat. Rhona focused on Calum, red hot in his white karate suit, his black belt knotted around his waist.

All four matches would run simultaneously. That could get confusing. Rhona craned her neck and sat up straight, trying to keep Calum in her sightline. It was difficult as he was in a section not directly in front of them. Some spectators shuffled around. Rhona followed Ron and Anne as they ducked along the row for a better view.

Calum faced his opponent and bowed. For a few seconds they sparred and an adjudicator dressed in black hopped around watching closely. Rhona’s heart rate increased. Calum kicked high and caught his opponent in the chest, knocking him to the ground. For someone so lean, he was strong. Ron jumped to his feet and punched the air. ‘You get ’em, son.’

‘Sit down,’ said Anne, but she was laughing.

Rhona bit her lip. What was going on? Had he won? The adjudicator blew his whistle and pointed to Calum. Ron let out a roar of mirth. ‘Yaas!’

Rhona smiled and clapped gently.

Calum and his opponent bowed, then shook. A lull followed as other matches played out. Rhona didn’t need to fill the gaps, Ron was waxing lyrical on Calum’s performance, explaining what moves he’d used. Whatever they were, Rhona just wanted to see him in action again.

She sat on her fingers, waiting. Once the first round was done, the areas were reset and the competitors marched on again. Calum’s face was full of steely determination and Rhona’s heart filled to the brim. He was her guy. She loved his determination. She loved that he’d succeeded in business. She loved that he was tough but cool under pressure. She loved his soft centre and how it came out for her.I love him, full stop.How could he have knowingly hurt her brother?

He squared up to his opponent and they sparred. ‘Oh my god.’ Rhona inhaled sharply as he narrowly blocked a punch, then almost knocked the feet from under his opponent. But not quite. This was a lot closer. She dug her nails into her cheeks and gasped as he ducked a kick.

‘Come on,’ Ron growled.

Calum’s eyes seemed to blaze red and he unleashed a punch, kick combination that sent his opponent flying. Ron leapt to his feet again, roaring and shaking his fists with glee. ‘That was bloody awesome.’

‘Ron.’ Anne slapped his leg. ‘There are children in the crowd. Mind your language.’

‘Wow.’ Rhona slumped back, blowing out a sigh. ‘That was nerve-racking.’

Anne turned to her and sucked in her lips. Rhona gave her a tentative smile. Could this be a moment of bonding?