Page 11 of A Perfect Discovery

Calum forgot the sea view and tracked her as she trudged over the rough ground. Her hips swayed and her culottes flapped in the breeze, long hair tumbling down her back in wind-tangled waves. He tugged at his collar. Why was he so warm? His neck was burning up.

Will coughed. Calum snapped his gaze back to him, his chest simmering again. He narrowed his eyes and folded his arms. ‘What did you bring her here for? I said no. I don’t want the Lamonds having anything to do with my business.’

‘But she’s really nice. And I thought it might help. You always have so much on your plate.’

‘It’s my job. I can handle it. I don’t go about doing your job for you.’

Will clapped him on the arm. ‘Ah, Calum. I’m not doing your job for you. I just think you’re missing a trick.’

Calum sighed. ‘I appreciate that and if she was anyone else, I’d jump on her… I mean, jump on the opportunity.’

Will tossed his head back, roaring with laughter.

‘Shut the fuck up.’ Calum drew his hand over his forehead.Shit, shit, and more shit.

‘Aye, I bet you’d jump her too.’

‘I said shut up.’ Calum glowered at him. ‘What am I going to do here? This land has caused me nothing but trouble.’

‘I’m not sure why you bought it in the first place. It’s gorgeous but it’s so out in the sticks.’

‘To annoy the Lamonds.’


‘No. I like it here. It’s the perfect spot.’ Though having the Lamonds’ house not far away put him off living in it himself. But the land had a special feel. He didn’t do vibes or anything like that but something about this place called to him. ‘It doesn’t look like it’ll work out. I’m considering donating it to Rebekah’s affordable island housing project. Thing is, I’m not sure it’s suitable for that either. It’s so remote and if there’s any possibility of this being an important archaeological site—’

‘Which there is,’ Will said. ‘Rhona just confirmed it.’

‘Well, there we go.’ Calum held up his palms. ‘It’s unlikely I’ll get planning permission for even one house. And if it’s for affordable houses, I need at least two on here, maybe more. Each one will need more investigating, making it less and less viable.’

‘Yeah, it’s tough. I’d love it if you lived here. Not too far from me. You could babysit when Will Junior arrives.’

‘I’m not exactly a million miles from you as it is.’

‘Ha, true!’

‘How’s Morven?’

‘She’s fine, just desperate to have the baby now.’

‘Not long now. Give me a shout if you need anything.’

‘Just the babysitting.’ Will grinned hopefully.

‘Maybe, when he’s a bit older.’

‘Ah, you mean you’ll be naughty Uncle Calum who leads him astray.’

‘That’s the one.’ Calum clapped Will on the shoulder. Holding a grudge was hard with that face beaming back and falling out right before his best pal became a dad would be pointless and petty.

‘So, you’re not mad at me?’ asked Will.

‘Like I said before, am I ever?’

‘No, you’re cool as a cucumber. Though maybe Rhona got those juices pumping for a moment there.’

‘You always had a good imagination. Now bugger off back to your wife and annoy her for a change.’