Page 10 of A Perfect Discovery

‘Will they? I’m sorry to hear that.’ Will scratched at his wrist.

‘I don’t want anything to do with him.’ Adding to a family feud was the last thing she needed. ‘It’s not like his reputation has ever improved.’

‘He’s not that bad. In fact, he’s not bad at all.’

‘Someone’s coming.’ Rhona cocked her head at a hillwalker striding towards them. ‘We should go.’

‘Uh-oh.’ Will rubbed at his chin, his eyes bulging but not straying from the hillwalker. ‘I might be in a spot of trouble.’

Rhona frowned at him, then followed his sightline. The walker wasn’t dressed for the hills: no backpack, no walking boots. He hopped across a few rough rocks and Rhona’s pulse rate rocketed. This guy was smartly turned out… and handsome, though his expression was grim. A prickle of awareness stung her. ‘Is that… Calum?’ Her throat went dry and the word spiralled into the wind.

‘Er, yes.’ Will pulled an apologetic face.

That was what he looked like now?Oh my god. A cold sweat broke on her brow. She swiped at it with her fingertips. When he’d been a spotty teenager with gangly legs and a wiry body, she’d fancied him. Her heart thudded against her ribcage. He was getting closer andshit… His brows were knitted and his fists balled. But that strong jaw, his perfectly spaced eyes, the blazer, those well-fitting jeans – oh no. The sparkometer whizzed into action. Her insides ignited with a sizzling spark, the fire she’d been waiting for forever. But why did it have to be him? Not him. The world’s most unsuitable man! No, no, noooo! He was almost upon them. How the hell could she get away or explain herself?

Chapter 4


Calum inhaled slow, steady breaths. His feet propelled him forward faster than his brain. What was going on here? Nothing good. Will and his crazy ideas.Keep a stopper on it.Or he’d blow up in Will’s face. He couldn’t allow that. Especially in front of someone else. His gaze flickered over the unknown woman. She crossed a white cardigan over her upper body and held it tight. Long blonde hair tumbled around her shoulders and her cheeks glowed pink. Was that…? In her eyes, he caught a flash in the blue. An unforgettable face swam to the forefront of his mind. Arran. That worthless dickhead. He’d been blessed with good looks too, like this woman.

Control. Stay in control.Calum clenched his fists. ‘What brings you here?’ He angled his shoulder, cutting out the woman and keeping his focus firmly on Will.

‘Now don’t get mad.’ Will held up his hands.

Calum raised his eyebrows. ‘Do I ever?’ Bile rose in his chest, burning into his throat. If Will mentioned that school incident now, the restraint Calum had worked on for so long would shatter. He clenched his fists and trained his sight on Will.

‘I want you to keep an open mind. This is Rhona.’ Will shuffled in her direction, putting out his arms to invite her into their conversation. She didn’t move.

Calum pulled his lips into a brief – and utterly fake – smile. ‘Pleased to meet you.’ He whipped back to Will. ‘Why are you here?’

‘Well, after our chat the other day—’

‘The one where I made the situation perfectly clear.’

‘The very same.’ Will stifled a little cough with the back of his hand.

A pain spread through Calum’s jaw as he fought to not openly grind his teeth. Why did Will think it was ok to do exactly as he’d said not to? If he would just stop grinning. This wasn’t exactly funny.

‘Excuse me,’ Rhona said.

Calum dug his nails into his palm so hard it was like being attacked by a razor blade.

‘I don’t want to cause any problems here. All I was doing was having a look. I haven’t touched anything.’ She clung to her white cardigan, holding it close. The edges fluttered in the breeze.

Calum cast his eyes over her. A jolt of electricity hit him deep and he nipped his upper lip with his teeth. His mind rewound to a place he didn’t usually go. Now he remembered. She was the little sister who’d dissolved into giggle fits every time she saw him. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to work out why. His acned face had always been a subject of great hilarity.

Her cornflower blue irises sparkled and her long lashes fluttered like she was still a giggly girl about to skip off to school. Calum threw back his shoulders. Those days were gone. He was a grown man with no blemishes on his skin. He blinked, dropping his focus to his feet until he summoned internal calm. Slowly, he raised his gaze. It travelled over the curve of her hips, hourglass waist, and ample chest.Oh Christ.Look somewhere else. Quick. His nerve ends blazed. Her immaculate teeth trailed across her bottom lip. She gave him a slight smile. His heart lurched about a hundred miles an hour.Bugger.They were supposed to be talking about something.What?

‘That’s, um, fine.’ What had she said? Was he meant to be answering a question?Eyes away.He shifted his focus to a point in the sea, miles out, where breakers crashed over a rock, causing lashings of foam to spritz up.

‘I’ll go then,’ she said. ‘See you, Will.’

‘Do you want a lift back along the road?’

Calum side-eyed them.

‘No, I’m happy to walk.’ She gave him a wave.