Page 51 of Plunge

It’s then that he notices he has an audience. I don’t move. I don’t say a word. I remain exactly where I am. He looks at each of us while I stand there watching him.

“Patrick. Kennedy. I’m good. The usual.”

The man and the woman, Patrick and Kennedy, nod and take that as their cue to leave. I watch them go then I turn to look at him. He looks exactly like the same man I’ve always known, but he’s not. Things have changed. Obviously. I didn’t even notice. How had I not noticed?

Thunder crashes and lightening lights up the sky. Just like that, the day shifts.



Savannah, GA May 6– Saturday dawn

That damn dream again. Fucking hate it.

Another morning has begun and with this morning doesn’t come the morning sun. no, today, brings rain showers. Thunder crashes as I blink and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I stretch and take in the feeling of gratefulness for last night and this morning. It’s the first time in a long time that I’m not hungover or reaching for something to take the edge off.

When I reach over, I feel ... nothing. As a matter of fact, the sheets next to me are cool to the touch. The softness, comfort, along with the heat and warmth she once brought to them are gone now that she is no longer there. I pat the bed but nothing.

She’s gone. No explanation this time. Just gone.

“Fuck me.”

I can’t believe I fucked her last night. Those eyes got me. She looked like she needed to get out of her head. I know that feeling well. I’ve been there plenty of times. I gave in. The feel of her tiny hand stroking me overruled anything else I had going on in my brain.

I’m sweaty and sticky. Doubly so, now that the sex compounded with that fucked up dream.

I finally look up to see that she didn’t leave as I thought and we’re not alone. I must’ve yelled out this time. It doesn’t happen often. When it does, Patrick and/or Kennedy usually must wake me. I thought I was getting a handle on this.

“Patrick. Kennedy. I’m good. The usual.”

They each nod and begin to file out of my room. they’ve been here since before the accident. Unfortunately, each has learned once I’m awake I’m fine. I don’t want to talk about it. Nor do I want to dwell on the fact that it happened. Those two are going to go about their normal day.

The one I’m worried about is still standing in the room, seemingly frozen in place. Given her line of work, I wouldn’t think this would be too big of thing to wrap her head around. Although, it might be too much since I still don’t know what caused her breakdown yesterday.

I open my mouth to call her name and she moves. She climbs onto the bed then wraps her arms around me.

“I'm sorry,” she says. Tears track down her cheeks, off her chin then onto my shoulder. I release a breath as she clings to me. “I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know. How could you not tell me? When? When did this happen?”

Relief courses through my body. Not many people know the extent of the damage I had as a result of the accident. Most people know a car wreck happened and I was injured. I've gotten better watching people respond to seeing my amputated leg. Most do a double take. Others send a pitying look my way. The last group usually doesn't know how to react.

Having her hug me then apologize even though she had nothing to do with it is new. The questions don’t surprise me since she’s been getting over her own trauma. One day, we’ll sit down and talk it out.

Today is not the day. I don’t want to talk about it. I do want to know that she’s okay.

“It was a while ago. I’m fine now. Fitted with a prosthetic and doing therapy. Your turn.” I have to practically peel her off me, but I successfully extract her from my body. I’m hating the fact her warmth is gone, but it’s necessary. “You were triggered yesterday. I don’t know what did it, but something upset you.”

She nods as she wipes at her eyes with her ... my shirt. A phone rings and I watch as her brows knit together.

“You’re right. I do have to talk to you. There’s a lot I need to share. I was triggered. Last night, I wasn’t prepared for what ...”

A phone rings again and she turns, looking for it.

“Yours?” I ask as I point out the door.

“Yeah. I guess I never silenced it. It’s a little early for someone to be blowing up my phone. I think that’s the third time I’ve heard it ring. I’m sorry. It must be important.”

I watch her slide off the bed. Her generous ass peeks out from beneath my shirt. I feel a stirring beneath the sheet and groan. There are a few reasons for the groan. First, I know we have shit we need to work through. Second, I’m guessing she’s going to need to leave shortly which means we’re not talking through anything. Lastly, now that I’ve had her again it's going to take me some time to get over knowing the fit of her.