Page 50 of Plunge

Drive the beast, I do. I ride him until we are both sated.

Neither one of us moves when I slide off his body and into his side. I don’t have the energy to do anything but sleep. This is the best way to fall asleep. I wish I could always fall asleep like this.

I know I can’t. I have some explaining to do tomorrow. There are things I need to finally share. Right now, I nuzzle into his heat and allow myself to enjoy this moment of bliss.

Chapter 17



Savannah, GA May 6– Saturday morning

What a night? I want to relish the beauty of what the two of us shared but I can’t. As beautiful as the sky is when the dawn greets me this morning, I must tear myself away from staring out the window. I internally laugh because nothing has changed in the last twenty plus years I’ve lived. Actually, many things have changed but that’s not the point.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a standard routine. Wake up from dreamland, stretch, greet the day with whatever I’m feeling that morning, then I must empty my bladder.

That sounds awful.

It’s the reality I must contend with. It takes me a few minutes to find the bathroom. By the time I do, the urgency is the most important thing on my mind. Looking around the room, I see elements that I’ve always wanted for my own bathroom. I’m so busy mentally cataloging all that’s in this massive place that I almost miss the pain-filled groan.

At first, I ignore it. I continue to take stock of the room when another moan reaches my ears. Rushing out of the room, I must exit the wrong way because I’m in what looks like an office. The sound rings out once again. It echoes across the upper floors. The pain of it sends a chill up my spine.

I hear rushing footsteps. A male and female voice call out the name that was on my lips most of the night. When the sound comes again, their worried voices join in.

“Daire, wake up!”

“Mr. Shaw?”

“No. No, no, now. No. This isn’t real,” he cries out.

In my panic, I head out the open door instead of retracing my steps back through to the bathroom. When I slam into the doorway, I realize I don’t have on any clothes. I rush back to the office and hope like hell there’s something in there to toss on my body. I find a shirt hanging in a closet.

I hear my phone begin to ring. Once I cover my nakedness, I use the sounds to lead me back to the room. My phone rings again but I ignore it.

The sight before me stuns me. The room is darker but there’s still enough light for me to see.

“Mr. Shaw?” A woman with straight, honey blonde hair is standing over Daire, trying to wake him. She looks over when I walk in. “I’m guessing you’re the owner of the dress?”

I don’t acknowledge her. My focus is on Daire. The man who is thrashing on his bed and reaching for his leg. His reaching, but his hands find no purchase. Below his left knee is nothing.

He screams again, then he opens his eyes. Daire’s hands go immediately to his head. He runs his hands over his long hair then he reaches out. His hand pats the sheet next to him then rubs it before he sits up.

“Fuck me,” he groans as he runs his hand over his face.