“Be careful, okay? You know the drill.”

She had to smirk. She’d always been the one looking after Maddie, reminding her to be careful, to eat, stuff like that. Now that Maddie had someone who looked after her full time, she’d gotten a little bossy.

“I can guarantee I’m not going home with anyone tonight, so not to worry. But I’ll do my best to avoid creepers and other assholes.”

“Okay, good.”

Then Tamsyn heard a deeper voice in the background with a soft Western twang.

“Time to hang up with Tamsyn, Maddie-girl. Gotta get ready for bed.”

“Okay, Daddy,” Maddie told Reid, and Tamsyn had to smile.

They were just too perfect together, and she was thankful Maddie had Reid to take care of her. She would’ve been so worried to leave Maddie in Penshaw alone, and now she didn’t have to be. Maddie was safe and happy in Montana with her daddy.

“I have to go, but promise you’ll call me tomorrow? I need to know everything.”

“Will do,” Tamsyn promised, twirling her car keys around her finger. “Now go get ready for bed before you get spanked for dillydallying.”

“Listen to your friend, darlin’,” she heard Reid say. “Don’t make Daddy ask again.”

“Alright, alright, you bossy pantses,” Maddie kvetched, pretending to be annoyed while Tamsyn knew she loved the attention. “Tomorrow. Sleep tight, Tamsyn, I hope the Daddy doms bite.”

Then there was a flood of giggles because her BFF was in silly little mode.

“Night night, Maddie. Tomorrow.”