Chapter Two


The orientation he’d attended a few weeks ago had been very helpful but tonight was a different beast. Not so much explaining the rules and procedures and getting a tour of what was available in the club, but more of a celebration. They’d passed their exams and now it was time to have fun.

In addition to the people who’d completed their orientations in the past couple months, there were also some regular members of the club there, as if to show them how to make the most of this new world they’d found themselves in.

Huxley wished not for the first time that Lo would’ve joined him. He really would like this if he gave it a chance. But his twin had always been one to pursue things in the shadows, like a lone wolf stalking prey. Which was fine.

As much as he’d wanted to, Huxley hadn’t pushed for Lo to also join Hive. But if they were finally going to start fulfilling their fantasies, this was a good place to start.

On the other hand, perhaps Lo not being here wasn’t a bad idea. His brother could come across as a bit…cold. Which was funny given what a passionate and loyal person Lo was. He wasn’t friendly though. Or charming. Too busy with all those plots and plans brewing in his clever mind.

Yes, perhaps it was better for him to be their envoy into this world. The twin who actually liked to talk to people. Oh, Lo cared deeply for humanity but wasn’t much for individual humans.

Huxley on the other hand, would enjoy finally getting to be a part of a community like this. He would make friends, play, charm, and hopefully find a little girl to bring home to Lo. A little girl for them to share and adore, to do filthy and depraved things to but also care for and spoil.

Two men was a common enough fantasy, but how many women, when push came to shove, could actually handle them? Would want both of them, different as they were? And wouldn’t have the very sensible belief that twins fucking the same woman—sometimes at the same time—was the not-sexy kind of taboo and was actually a disgusting kind of perverted? He didn’t think the odds were in their favor.

But that wasn’t going to stop him from trying. Not when he’d been given the chance to finally make a fantasy he’d had for his whole adult life become reality.

Play was in full swing and he’d been enjoying a hot wax demo, but it was time to move on. Perhaps stop circling like a shark around the room he really wanted to go to—the nursery.

Stopping at one of the water coolers that dotted the club, Huxley poured himself a glass and bolted it, the cool water sluicing down his throat. The truth was that he might be avoiding the littles’ area. Not because he didn’t want to see people enjoying themselves there, and possibly meet a prospective playmate or partner or two, but perhaps because he wanted those things so badly.

It was terrifying to stand on the precipice, looking down into a canyon of everything you’d ever wanted and knowing if you really wanted it, you’d have to jump. The thought made his stomach lurch, and he couldn’t help but run his fingers over his scar again.

It had become a talisman of sorts.If I can survive this, I can survive anything.

So he poured another glass of water, downed that one in a single swallow as well and then strode over to the door marked “Nursery” with a sign in fanciful script and—of course—glitter affixed over the door.

Here goes nothing.

* * *


Nurseries were not her thing. That’s what she’d told herself, Maddie, and everyone else at Rawhide Ranch. But it seemed that most of the age play here—including for middles—took place in the nursery at Hive. Besides, she’d thought she ought to check it out so she could tell Maddie about it.

She was hoping to get Maddie and Reid to visit sooner rather than later, and she was allowed to bring the occasional guest to Hive now that she was a member. They didn’t have a club in Almandine, Montana, where Maddie had moved to be with Reid, so coming here would be an extra treat for her bestie. Reid, too, she thought, but that man didn’t appear to care much about the trappings and accessories and accoutrements that a lot of kinksters relished. No, Reid seemed to be content as long as his little girl was nearby.

Tamsyn had been invited to color by a bubbly redheaded little who had introduced herself as Twyla, but she’d declined. Maddie loved to color, and Tamsyn was more likely to bake some cookies or French braid her friend’s hair while she was carefully filling in pictures with her beloved crayons.

Right now, she just wanted to watch. Let her gaze skate over everything that was in the room—a crib, a changing table, an area that looked like it was set up for cozy story times—and also the room’s occupants. If she didn’t get anything else out of tonight, at least the people watching would have been epic.

The door to the nursery swung open and she turned to see who had come in this time—a little decked out in a onesie with a paci tucked in their mouth and a stuffie dangling from their hand? Or maybe a slouching, sassy little in a school uniform? But no, not this time.

This time it was a man who was dressed more formally than most of the people here, and not in any kind of fetish gear. Not that she minded the leather and the latex or the dolled up little girls in their frilly dresses, but men in suits had always done something for her, and this guy was no exception.

He looked as though he’d come home from a day at the office, taken off his jacket and tie, undone the top button of his dress shirt to reveal the lickable hollow of his throat, and rolled up his sleeves to show off sinewy, veined forearms. Jesus.

The record scratch in her brain and the way everything around her seemed to come to a screeching halt maybe had something to do with the fact that in addition to being kitted out in after hours chic, he was one of the handsomest men she’d ever seen.

Dark hair that was long enough to curl on top but still neatly cut, a clean-shaven face that showed off a strong jaw and a small divot in his chin, a set of broad shoulders that tapered into narrow hips…yeah.

She could see him both in the boardroom, confidently addressing a conference table full of people, but also in the bedroom, unbuckling his belt before doubling it over and snapping it between his hands and then telling her to bend over and take every lick she deserved.

Yes, this man was precisely her type and she was going to be terribly disappointed if he wasn’t toppy. There were other fish in the sea of course, but she really wanted to hook and reel in this one. Or rather be the one caught.

The man looked around the room—had he come here with someone?—and when their eyes met, she felt it. A kick of her heart, a punch in the gut.

She hadn’t dated much for the past several years. Between busting her ass at work and Maddie, she hadn’t really had time. Or to be honest, much interest.

When she had gone out with men, she’d mostly come home wishing she’d stayed in with her bestie instead. But there was something about him that said whatever happened between them—ifsomething happened, she had to remind herself—it wouldn’t be tepid. Not with the way he looked as though he was accustomed to getting what he wanted and wasn’t sorry about it.

Out in the real world that kind of privilege and entitlement, arrogance, would really grind her gears. But those qualities in a top? She had to steady herself with a hand against a wall and refrain from fanning herself with a hand.Fuck.

And he was heading this way.