Page 798 of Love Bites


Eagan rummaged through his dresser drawers until he found his favorite pair of ratty sweatpants. They weren’t pretty, but they sure as hell were comfortable. The material was worn and soft.

And pretty much thread-bare in the ass. Which he wasreallygoing to appreciate once his mate was dressed in them.

In the next drawer, he found the faded out Def Leppard shirt. If she didn’t feel comfortable in these, there was no hope for her.

“I told you. I don’t need your clothes. I can sleep perfectly fine in what I have on.” She stood near the bathroom, her head tipped to one side in exasperation.

“You’ll feel better if you’re clean and in something comfortable.” He smirked. “Unless you want to try for total comfort and go naked. I’d be okay with that.”

Clara rolled her eyes, and it was the sexiest thing he’d ever witnessed. “Are you saying I need a bath? You know, just because I live in the woods, doesn’t mean I’m not clean.”

He knew she was clean. She smelled too good. She might be a mountain woman, but she didn’t have mud on her face or black teeth. Well, there was that one time. But he had a feeling that had all been part of her ruse.

“You’re clean enough. But a warm shower and something softer than jeans and flannel will help you sleep better.”

She crossed her arms looking defensive. “Why do you care if I sleep? You going to eat me or something. Do cat-men eat people?”

Eagan stepped closer, invading her space. “Do you really think I’d hurt you, Clara?”

She blinked at his nearness.

“I couldn’t. Even if I wanted to. If I was the boogey man you believe me to be, I still wouldn’t. I couldn’t.”

“Why couldn’t you?”

Slowly, carefully, he reached a hand to her cheek. She stiffened, but didn’t pull away. And when his thumb brushed the skin there, she relaxed. His jaguar was so deeply satisfied at her response, he nearly let a purr slip out.

“What I told Magic about you being my mate?”

She nodded, her mouth open on a pant.

“That wasn’t a lie.”

Her eyes went wide, but she still didn’t pull away from his touch. “I don’t know what that means,” she whispered.

“I know. And we won’t talk about it tonight. But just know that I’ll always want to protect you. Never hurt you. You’re safe with me.”


Eagan nodded. He hoped that was true. It felt true. Deep in his heart, he knew he couldn’t hurt her.

“I’ve never been safe,” she mumbled softly, like she was testing the idea out loud.

He frowned at her admission, but then she blinked, turning her face away and breaking whatever spell he had on her.

“Fine. I’ll shower and wear your clothes if it’ll make you happy.”

Her lower lip pushed out in a pout as she started to kick off her boots, and he pressed his own lips together so he wouldn’t smile.

“Good. And I’ll wash those so you can have fresh clothes in the morning.”

She tossed him a look that implied washing clothes after one wear was an extravagance she had no tolerance for.

“No need. I have others at my…” She lowered her eyes. “…place. And I can wash these when I go back.”

Eagan ignored the ‘go back’ part. “I’m washing them.”