She raised an eyebrow as she began unbuttoning her shirt. “Fine. You want to waste water, that’s your business.”
But her words were like vapor. They disappeared before they reached his ears, because all his senses were zeroed in on her slender fingers working the buttons from collar to hem.
“What…” Eagan cleared his throat. “What are you doing?”
She frowned. “Giving you my clothes.”
“Right. Carry on then.”
Carelessly, she parted the flaps of her shirt and began shrugging out of it.
“Shit,” Eagan cursed, turning his head. She was completely naked under that shirt. No bra. And the most perfect tits, if he could judge by his half second view of them.
He forced his gaze back to her… face. Her face. Not tits. Face. It was scrunched in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re… you…” He gestured to her topless state, but his eyes roamed and the result was him, speechless.
She was a goddess. Graceful shoulders framed full breasts with dark, perky tips.
Frowning deeper, she tipped her head to the side, her wild hair dancing at her jean clad hip. “Are you the modest type?”
“Uh…” Eagan blew out a breath and rubbed his palm through his hair. “Not exactly.”
“These?” she asked, skeptical, grabbing her twin peaks with both hands and holding them like they were just any old part of her body. “At base, they’re more functional than sexual. They’re basically just feeding bags for when I have a baby.”
Eagan’s eyebrows shot up and he coughed to cover his surprise. “At base.”
She nodded. “Yeah. At their most basic. When you think about the natural way of things, everything becomes really simple. Like early humans. Everything they were made up of had a purpose: to ensure survival. Their strengths, their intelligence. Their bodies and what they did with them. If they killed, they used the whole animal. Nothing was wasted. The same with intangible things like time and love. They lived every minute to the fullest and loved with the most basic of urges. It really makes so much sense if you think about it.”
Functional, not sexual. Yeah, tell his raging hard-on that.
“You… you really think your body isn’t sexual?”
She shrugged one shoulder, hands still cradling her full breasts. “Sure, it’s sexual I guess, somewhat. It can be a little of both if you’re talking about perpetuating the race. But then, still, it’s really just functional isn’t it?”
He stared at her, his eyes sliding to the indention of her waist and her hips that flared wide. Her body was perfect for perpetuating the race, as she put it. His dream of putting a baby into his mate resurfaced. What a thrill it would be to have her with young.Hisyoung.
But hell if that was all her body was used for. It was made for so much more. It was made for pleasure. To receive it. To give it. Toliveit.
A new dream emerged. To have his matelivingin pleasure. So sensitive to him and his touch that a mere breath against her skin made her hot. The things he’d do to that body. Completely non-functional things.
His jag purred in agreement.
She dropped her hands, causing her breasts to bounce from the sudden lack of support.
“But if it bothers you, I can shut the door.”
Bother him. Fuck no, it wasn’tbotheringhim. It was only making him burn below the belt like Satan had him by the balls.
Eagan managed a casual shrug. “Nah. It ain’t bothering me. My cat is just shredding my insides because it wants out for a taste of those hardfunctionalnipples. That’s all.”
She gasped, her eyes going wide.
“Yeah. So, I dunno, maybe hurry it on up before things take a turn for the less functional.”