Page 496 of Love Bites


The strong smellof fuck-me perfume floats toward my nose when a spray-tanned girl enters Tattoo Junkie. Skinny as a rail with fake hair, she's got to be a skank. The way she looks me over with disgust makes me hate her. I'm her worst nightmare with pale skin, sleeves of tattoos, and flesh on my bones.

"Is Ray here?" Even her voice is fake with its singsong lilt.

I hop off the gray reception counter in the almost sterile waiting area. "You must be his two o'clock. Leesa?"

She giggles. "That's me."

I walk her over to his tattoo room and watch Ray's face light up. A lanky attractive guy, right now he has a predatory look in his eyes that makes me think he wants to poke her with more than a needle.

I do a mental eye roll. "Leesa is here for you."

He stands and flexes a bit under his tight tee. Yeah, he plans to do her if she'll let him. What a fucktard. Carly will be here any minute, and she doesn't need to hear that. They broke up a couple months ago, and I can tell she still has a thing for him. Of course, hearing him grunting like a pig wouldn't be bad, because he never stopped screwing around when they dated. The reminder might help her get over him.

I hop back up on the counter with my sketchbook and start to draw when the door opens.

Like it's a beacon, the first thing I see is the tattoo on the inside of Carly’s wrist. It shocks me because she swore she would remain clean as a whistle until the right one called to her. "Whoa! You finally got one." My black heels click when I hop down to grab her wrist.

When I inspect it, my brow furrows.This is what I've been trying to draw."This is a sweet design, but I'm kind of freaked out right now."


I don't let go of her hand when she tries to pull away. "Because I've been dreaming about it, but I couldn't draw it. You nailed it. It's your work, right?"

I stroke the tattoo, and Carly yanks her arm away. Her eyes are wide, and her cheeks redden.What is she embarrassed about?I'm the one getting off on furry things in my dreams. She answers. "Yeah, I did it. Tell me about your dream."

Carly is probably a little too vanilla to understand, so I don't get into the sex part. "Um, the image just appears." I wave my hand in the air. "Kind of like Batman's signal." I chuckle and then say, "I can't really describe it, but it sticks with me, and I keep trying to draw it."

"Yeah, it was–"

We're interrupted by Ray opening his door to let a flushed-faced Leesa walk out of his room. His shit-eating grin tells me he got what he wanted, and I grimace. He says, "Ladies, it's a beautiful day for body art, isn't it?"

A low sound of disgust escapes me. "It sure is. Did you see Carly's tattoo?"

Ray cocks his head at the idea of her getting one and asks, "Where?"

Carly lifts her wrist to show him. He and the girl both squint at her arm. Ray snorts. "Invisible, nice."

Strange, don't they see it?

The girl grins and says, "Like mine, right?"

Ray pulls her against his body. "I'll tattoo you like that anytime, babe."

Gross. The girl kisses him and walks out with a wiggle.

Carly seems preoccupied and puts her wrist in front of Ray's face to ask, "You really don't see anything?"

"No, Carly." He shakes his head and returns to his workspace.

She turns to me with a frown.

I say, "I know, right? That just adds to the freakiness." Carly's a diamond in the rough. Sexy curves she hasn't learned to love are usually hidden under dumpy clothes. But today it looks like she made a bit of an effort. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "You look pretty."

"Thanks. You look amazing as usual."

I smooth out my vintage dress that pumps up my real boobs. "Trying to land a man." I sigh. "It's been a while."