"I hear you." She moves into her room, and the metal drawer clangs as she opens it to set up for her first client.
I walk over to the doorway. "Carly?"
"I hate to ask, but–"
"You want one too, don't you?" She knows. Maybe she does have the same dream.
I tap a red fingernail on the desktop because this isn't like the other tattoos I've gotten. "More than want, I think I need it."
Carly nods. "I think you do too." She grins at me, because I have two full sleeves and there is no room for more on my arms. "But where?"
The answer comes to me as if I've known it all along. At the same time, we both say, "Boob." It makes me wonder if she dreams about teeth biting her breast too. We both grin, and I hear the door open with a customer.
Carly says, "Later." And I go out to greet her client.
At the end of our shift, I return to Carly's room to disassemble her machine. She had me assist and fill in her outlines tonight. After all this time I thought I would be thrilled to take the next step toward my art. But it felt flat, and I wonder why.
Carly asks, "Do you have plans tonight?"
"I might go down to Ruby's for a drink. Want to come?"
She smiles slowly. "Maybe, but I could do your tattoo now if you want."
Excitement pulses through me. "Yes, please."
She pats the client chair. "Have a seat."
* * *
The smellof cigarettes and other smokables greet us as we approach Ruby's. A typical dive, the drinks are cheap, and Ruby works behind the bar most nights. When she sees us walk through the door, she waves. I come here often, but Carly hasn't been out since her breakup with Ray.
Ruby's deep scratchy voice says, "Carly, it's been a dog's age. Get yourself over here."
Carly quickly slides onto a well-worn stool as I saunter slowly over, making sure every man in the place can see the swing of my hips exaggerated by the swish of my skirt. I plan to get laid tonight and know just how to make it happen.
"What'll it be girls?"
I answer, "Martinis, with tequila."
Ruby nods, and ice clatters into a tumbler she clunks down on the bar. I twirl my ass around to face the pool tables. Booths line the walls, and the odor of fried food makes my stomach grumble. I cross my legs to flash some thigh and bounce a foot as I check out the patrons.
Carly asks, "Ruby, can I get an order of nachos please?" The idea of gooey cheese is tempting, especially since the men in this place aren't.
Ruby says, "You got it." The clink of two martini glasses hitting the wood bar makes me turn back around. They're filled to the brim, and because Ruby always makes us extra, we both slurp down our drinks to make room for her to pour the remains.
Ruby winks at me. "See anything you like?"
"Not tonight. I think I'll eat nachos too. Make them a large, please."
"Done." Ruby turns to the computer screen to enter the order.
I drum my nails along the base of my glass, and the tinkling sound is pleasant. A yawn escapes, and I blink my eyes in an effort to wake up.
Carly says, "You did well tonight. I think you're ready to start taking clients."
My pride puffs up a bit, but I think she has an ulterior motive. "Thanks. But I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something. You were working awfully hard to make sure your regulars like me." I take a big swig of my sugary lime-laced drink and let the Patron warm its way down my throat.