Page 228 of Love Bites

“Calamity Jane Realty.” I was careful not to touch the hard plastic to my face. “This is Violet.”

“Hi, Beautiful,” the sound of Wolfgang’s voice washed away my frown. “How is Deadwood treating you this morning?”

“Like a fish that’s starting to stink.” I leaned back in my chair. “How’s San Francisco?”

I pictured him standing on a cable car, a view of Alcatraz shrouded with fog behind it, Golden Gate Bridge towering off to the side. Having never been to San Francisco, my mental images were sponsored by Rice-A-Roni, with Dirty Harry in charge of promotion. I could almost taste the savory grains of rice.

“It’s a bit lonely without you.”

Aw, shucks. Even with a mountain range between us, Wolfgang could charm a girl’s stockings off.

In the background, I heardbeep-beep-beepand the diesel growl of a tractor. Not exactly the romantic moan of a fog horn, but I could still make it work in my San Francisco fantasy.

“How are things going with Mother’s house?”

“Okay.” I lied. “You’ll be back on Wednesday, right?”

“Yes. I have an idea. How about we take your kids somewhere fun in Rapid City next week?”

“They’d like that.” While Addy had warmed up to Wolfgang on sight alone (as her mother had), Layne’s initial friendliness had vaporized upon finding out that Addy’s song about Wolfgang-and-Violet-sitting-in-a-tree could become more than just a tease. Spending more time with Wolfgang might convince Layne to call off his hounds.

I’d like to try another ride on the dating train, too. This time, sans Ray and Mr. Stinkleskine.

My cell phone trilled in my other hand. I looked at it and cursed mentally at the sight of Aunt Zoe’s number again. I wanted to cancel the call and keep pretending I was in San Francisco with Wolfgang, but the mother in me won. “Sorry, but my cell is ringing. I have to go.”

“See you Wednesday, Violet.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” I hung up the phone and pondered dipping into my savings for a visit to the hair salon in anticipation of his return. I flipped open my cell. “Hello?”

“Mom?” Layne said.

I blinked in surprise, expecting Addy. “Yes?”

“We’re out of glue.”

He said it as if glue was one of the staples of day-to-day life. “I just bought a bottle a couple of weeks ago.”

“I used it all on my cardboard tank. I need more.”

“You’re not sniffing it are you?” Dear God, I didn’t have to deal with my kid trying to get high already, did I?

“What? No!”


“Why? What happens when you sniff it?”

“Your brain melts and leaks gray slime out your ears.” I was a firm believer in telling tall tales when necessary. A spiel of girl giggles interrupted our conversation.

“Layne, is Kelly over there?” Addy failed to mention that when she called.

“Uh, huh. Addy wants me to ask you if she can ride her bike over to Kelly’s house. Kelly needs clothes and a toothbrush.”

Warning alarms whooped. “Tell both girls to stay put. I’ll go get Kelly’s stuff.”

It was a good opportunity to spy on Jeff Wymonds while under legitimate cover. I glanced down at the Post-It note on my desk. Maybe I’d drag Harvey along for protection.

“Okay. Bye, Mom.” The phone went quiet.