Page 229 of Love Bites

Closing my cell, I blew out a long breath and stared at the daisies in front of me. They smiled back, clueless to the lack of sleep they’d be causing tonight. At least I wouldn’t have to lie awake worrying about Addy snoring under Jeff Wymonds’ roof.

After a few mental “I-think-I-can” push-ups, I stuffed my phone in my purse, moved the daisies over next to their droopy cousins on the filing cabinet, and tossed Harvey’s Post-It in the trash on my way out the front door. I left the lights on and changed the “Open” sign to “Back in an hour.” Ray would probably return from lunch before then. It wouldn’t take long for the snake to swallow a rat or two.

Doc’s door was unlocked. I pushed inside and found the front room empty. A hint of Doc’s woodsy smelling cologne wafted around me. “Hello?”

Floorboards creaked from somewhere in back. Footfalls followed. Doc stepped into the room. “Hello, Violet.”

The sight of his bare legs gave my tongue amnesia. I was used to seeing Doc in a T-shirt and jeans. In his green tank top, tan cargo shorts, and naked feet, he looked fresh off the beach. All we needed was some sand, a surfboard, and a hemp necklace, and I’d be California dreamin’ again.

Doc’s gaze journeyed down to my sandals and back up to my mouth. “Nice lipstick. It matches your toes.”

“Oh.” I swallowed the urge to lick my lips. “Thanks.”

He sat on the edge of his desk, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m looking for a friend.”

He winked at me, his grin flirting. “I’m your Huckleberry.”

My stomach fluttered like a chicken coup in a fox raid. “You’re my what?”


“The sweet or the tart kind?”

“Which do you prefer?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

I pretended not to notice his biceps and triceps. “The sweet.”

“Ah, the lady loves sugar.”

“It’s my drug of choice.” Why did my white, scoop-neck sundress now feel as warm as a fur-lined parka? Had the air conditioner died?

“I’ll make a note of that.”

“Are we still talking about huckleberries?”

His grin was now cockeyed. “Oh, no.”

Doc was doing it again, running circles around me, tying me up in knots, lighting little fires around my feet. Just like he had at the library. “I didn’t think so. What was my original question?”

“You said you were looking for a friend.”

“That’s right.” However, my body was apparently looking for something more, and it was holding its own gigolo auditions whether my brain was on the judging panel or not. I really needed to have sex soon. Or devour several gallons of peanut butter fudge ice cream. Or sell a house. Something orgasmic.

The faint sound of a toilet flushing came from the back area. Harvey walked out, drying his hands on his jeans. “Whew! Almost waited too long.”

I looked from Doc to Harvey. “I didn’t know you two knew each other.”

“We do now,” Doc answered.

Harvey patted Doc on the shoulder as he shuffled by him. “Doc is going to fix me up good, aren’t ya?”

“As long as you follow my advice.”

As usual when in Doc’s presence, I was scratching my head. I opened my mouth to pry about what it was he did for a living, but Harvey cut me off.

“So who’s your stalker?”