Page 19 of Mail Order Malarkey

“There aren’t a lot of cats around here, and people need good mousers. You don’t want it, then I’m sure someone else will. I’ve been here for ten minutes and already sold the first two.”

Cameron groaned, but he pulled out some money, and handed it to the other man. “Happy now?” he asked Cassandra.

Her face gave him the answer he was looking for. She was thrilled. “Yes! So happy!”

“Maybe it’ll help my chances.”

Cassandra stroked the kitten with one finger. “Is it a boy or girl?”

He took the kitten and turned it over. “It’s a girl.”

“I’m calling her Minerva then. Minnie for short.” She snuggled the kitten once more and then looked at him. “I just told Wade he no longer has a chance. I’ve chosen you.”

He stood and stared at her for a moment. “You told him that before I bought you the kitten?”

She nodded. “Yes, but isn’t it a wonderful wedding gift?”

He groaned. “I’m sure it is.”