Page 20 of Mail Order Malarkey

Chapter Seven

Mrs. Royal clapped in excitement. There was no doubt it was what she had been hoping for all along. “Then you’ll have to call me Ma!” she said to Cassandra.

“Yes, I guess I will.” Cassandra smiled and hugged the older woman. The time since she’d gotten off the train had been very emotional for her, but it seemed to all be settling down.

Cameron grabbed her arm. “Where’s the pastor? We’re getting hitched before she changes her mind again.”

“You changed my mind for me,” she reminded him.

“Don’t care. Finding the pastor.” Wade pointed in the direction of the church building, and he pulled her in that direction. “You coming, Ma?”

Mrs. Royal hurried behind them. “Sure am.”

Wade hurried behind Mrs. Royal. “You’re not leaving me out!” he called.

Cameron sighed. “I don’t care who watches as long as this woman is tied to me before we go home tonight.”

“What a way to treat the woman you’re about to marry!” Cassandra protested. “I thought you were going to try to be romantic.” She still clutched the tiny kitten beneath her chin.

“Why would I need to be romantic when you already said you’d marry me?” he asked.

“Cameron!” His mother said from behind them. “I’ve taught you better than that.”

“I guess.” He sighed. “Won’t you go before the pastor with me so we can vow to love one another forever?”

Cassandra couldn’t help but laugh. The man was a pain in her backside, but she really did like him.

When they got to the pastor, Cameron quickly explained the situation.

“You want to get married now?” the pastor asked. “In the middle of our dance?”

“Yes!” Cameron replied, wondering if there was something wrong with the pastor that he didn’t understand the situation. “I’d like to be married an hour ago.”

The pastor looked at the kitten Cassandra was holding. “I don’t really allow animals in my church…”

Cassandra frowned. “I promise, I will hold her the entire time. Besides, look how sweet and docile she is.”

“I never thought I’d see a bride holding a kitten instead of flowers.” Finally, he shook his head and started the ceremony. “Dearly beloved…”

They responded appropriately throughout the ceremony, and the pastor finally pronounced them “man and wife.” It wasn’t a minute too soon in Cameron’s eyes. He caught Cassandra by the hips and pulled her against him, kissing her passionately.

Cassandra rose on her toes pressing her entire body to his and kissed him back for all she was worth. She was excited about the next part of their marriage—the part that happened in the bedroom. No one who made her feel as good as Cameron did could hurt a woman. It wasn’t possible.

Finally, Mrs. Royal cleared her throat. “That’s enough of that,” she said, shaking her head. “I think I’m glad my room is on the ground floor, and you two will be upstairs.”

Cassandra knew she should blush, but it was normal behavior. She’d observed animals her entire life, and she knew every creature procreated somehow. There was nothing wrong with enjoying her husband’s touch.

For the rest of the day, they sat together, and then sat and watched the fireworks. He didn’t ask her to dance again, and when she asked why, his response only amused her. “I think I need to be in once piece for the wedding night. I don’t need to be trampled half to death.”

She giggled. “I told you I was a terrible dancer.”

“You were right,” he said, shaking his head. “But I married you anyway.” He smiled at her, trying not to let his mind run away with him. All he could think about was their wedding night, but if he thought about it too much, people would be able to tell by how tight his Levi’s were.

“I guess you did.”

His mother beamed at them, obviously thrilled her matchmaking had worked. “I knew the instant I saw her you two would be happy together.”

“You hoped so,” Cameron replied. “You’d have had a hard time explaining why a stranger was living in our house otherwise.”