“I thought it would be wise to put in an appearance and see how your new help was working out.”
“Is everything to your satisfaction?”
“Quite. Mr. Kent and Mrs. Kent have everything under control. They both have a calm but firm manner about them. I’m sure they’ll manage your staff to perfection.”
“Come see my new horses,” he said.
Rachel accompanied him to the barn, where he showed off the carriage horses and others that he’d purchased for riding. Then they came to a stall with a huge black. The horse had powerful haunches and a sleek coat. Alford and Leah stood admiring the large mount.
“That’s Goliath,” Evan said with evident pride.
“I want him,” Alford said. “I’ll double whatever you paid for him.”
Evan laughed. “I’m afraid not, old friend. He’s mine—and he’s magnificent.”
The horse came near and Rachel stroked his muzzle. “You’re certainly a handsome fellow and you know it, don’t you,” she said softly.
The men chatted for a few minutes about what Evan had seen at Tattersall’s and what horseflesh he’d purchased. Leah didn’t bother to hide her boredom.
Finally, Alford said, “You’ve seen everything at Edgemere, my love. Are you ready to head for home?”
“Yes.” She glanced to Rachel. “Are you coming with us?” Her eyes flicked to Evan and back.
“I think Lady Rachel was going to show me what she plans to do with my gardens,” Evan said easily. “I’ll be sure to see her back to Fairfield.”
They said their goodbyes and the couple left to retrieve their horses, leaving Rachel alone with Evan.
“It seems your trip to London was successful. You have a qualified butler and now a stable full of horses.”
“And grooms. I brought back a few. And something else.”
His words piqued her curiosity. “What?”
“Come and see.”
Evan led her around the corner and stopped in front of a stall. Rachel looked inside—and lost her heart.
A horse of dapple gray stood inside. It looked at her with intelligent eyes and neighed softly. She reached out a hand and horse came to her. She let it sniff her first and then took both hands and stroked it lovingly.
“That’s Calypso.”
She lowered her head to the horse’s muzzle and pressed against it softly. “Like the sea nymph in Homer’sOdyssey.”
“Yes. She held Odysseus prisoner for seven years, capturing him with her song. Though he was enthralled with her, eventually he yearned to return to Penelope, his wife.”
Rachel kissed the horse. “I can why you were enthralled with this Calypso and purchased her.”
“Would you like to ride her?”
“Of course!”
Evan saddled the horse for her himself and then went to do the same with Goliath. Together, they led the pair from the stables and he helped her to mount.
“I rode her before buying her. She’s more suited for a smaller rider than I am. Watch, though. She’s definitely a challenge to handle.”
Rachel patted the horse. “Not for me.”
With that, she was off.