Chapter Eleven

Rachel went downto breakfast with Leah and saw several servants placing items on the buffet. The room was empty except for Cor and Alford on one side of the room and four gentlemen on the other. She and Leah joined Cor and Alford.

As they began eating, Rachel said, “I think I may go to Edgemere today since the new servants are arriving.”

Leah sighed dramatically. “Rachel, I don’t even think you’ve enjoyed this house party at all. All you’ve done is put in work at Edgemere for Merrick. You even spent all afternoon drawing up plans for his garden yesterday instead of picnicking with us.Hewon’t even be at his estate this morning. Why should you go?”

Cor patted Leah’s hand. “Rachel is doing something she enjoys, Leah. She has always loved creating and organizing things. To her, it’s just as much fun as what you’ve been doing to pass your time while at Fairfield. Though you two are similar in many ways, Rachel is different from you in some of the activities she enjoys.”

“Like riding,” Rachel reminded her best friend. “You do it when it’s expected. I would spend most every day in the saddle if I could. You are talented with a needle. You can while away an entire afternoon creating a lovely sampler. All I would do is stick my finger enough times to bleed all over it and ruin it in the long run.”

“I suppose so.”

“If you’re truly interested in riding over to Edgemere this morning, you’ll need an escort,” Alford reminded Rachel. “Evan has been with you on previous occasions.” He turned to his fiancée. “What say you and I accompany Lady Rachel this morning? I think you’d enjoying seeing Fairfield. With Evan back in England now, I’m sure we’ll be spending plenty of time there in his company.”

A pang of jealousy shot through Rachel. The time would soon come when Leah and Alford would be wed. This would be her friend’s home. They would naturally socialize with Evan since they were so close in proximity.

She wondered if he would ever commit to a woman. She didn’t expect it to be her but surely, as a marquess, he had to think of leaving his title and estate to an heir. It hurt her more than she imagined, thinking of him with another woman. Kissing that woman. Fathering her children. Anger swelled within her.

Rachel wouldn’t admit it to herself. Not yet. She forced Evan Drake from her mind.

“That’s sweet of you to volunteer to escort Rachel, Alex. Of course, I’ll go with the two of you,” Leah said. “Rachel, let’s go change into our riding habits.”

They met at the stables and rode to Edgemere. As they cantered up the lane and the house came into view, Leah exclaimed how wonderful it was.

Several pieces of furniture rested outside and two maids beat upon a rug, dust kicking up in the air. Rachel greeted both by name, having a sharp memory, and they curtseyed and smiled.

Alford led them inside, where a whirlwind of activity prevailed. Mrs. Kent spied them and came to welcome them. Alford introduced himself as the closest neighbor and the marquess’ oldest friend.

“Would you mind if my fiancée and I have a look about? I told her we’ll be frequent guests of Merrick’s once we marry.”

Mrs. Kent offered to accompany them but Rachel told the housekeeper to remain with the staff. She’d be happy to take the couple around. They ran into Mr. Kent and introduced themselves to the new butler, who informed them that the marquess would be returning sometime today with the horses he planned to purchase.

“I ordered quite a bit of feed in the village. I’ve got two footmen who’ll help out if Lord Merrick doesn’t bring back any grooms with him,” Mr. Kent said.

They toured the entire house, which was larger than Fairfield. Rachel could tell Leah was suitably impressed. Rachel made their last stop the kitchen, where Mrs. Bridges greeted them warmly and offered some refreshment. They took her up on the offer and sat around the kitchen table, drinking lemonade and eating freshly-baked scones.

Once they’d finished, Rachel took them outside to the gardens and walked them through, explaining some of the things she had in mind.

“I’m impressed, Lady Rachel,” Alford said. “You have a keen eye. Hopefully, Evan will use your ideas. It would make his gardens remarkable.”

They made their way back toward the house and saw the horses had arrived from London. Rachel caught sight of Evan, sans his coat and waistcoat, showing off his lean yet powerful frame. He’d removed his cravat and rolled up his shirtsleeves, revealing strong, tanned forearms. His shirt was also unbuttoned and she longed to press her lips against the column of his throat. She had to force herself not to run to him and make a fool of herself. She gazed at him longingly, wishing he could love her as...


She refused to think it. If she didn’t think it, it couldn’t possibly be true, could it?

The three of them headed in his direction and Evan greeted them with enthusiasm.

“You’re just in time. I can’t wait for you to see what I’ve bought, Alex. Ah, here they come.”

Rachel turned and saw beautifully matched bays being led into the stables.

“Are those Clevelands?” Alford asked, envy obvious in his voice. “These I’ve got to see.” He strode toward the stables and Leah followed after him.

Leaving her alone. With Evan.

“I’m surprised to see you here,” he said.