Riding Calypso was the closest she would ever come to soaring as a bird. Evan soon caught up to her on Goliath and they let the horses thunder across the estate. He signaled for her to slow and Rachel eased Calypso to a stop.

“There’s a stream just through that copse. Let’s take the horses to it.”

She followed him, hearing the running water before seeing it. They led the animals toward it and both drank their fill.

“You are a phenomenal rider,” he complimented.

She laughed. “It’s not hard when atop such a magnificent creature.” She looked from Calypso back to Evan.

And saw the heat in his eyes.

Rachel glanced quickly at the horse, suddenly feeling cowardly.

“No, it takes a special rider to control a horse of that breeding,” he continued. “You are special in many ways, Rachel.”

She wanted to kiss him. She wanted him to kiss her. It wouldn’t make a difference, though. Evan always held himself slightly apart from others. If they kissed, she would only want more from him. More than he was willing to give.

“Come along, Calypso,” she said, tugging gently on the horse’s reins. “You’ve had your fill.”

Rachel led the horse away from the stream and back through the wooded area. She knew Evan followed with Goliath for she could hear them behind her. When they reached the open meadow again, she stopped.

Evan appeared and placed his hands on her waist. She started to lick her lips and thought twice.

“Are you ready for tonight’s final lesson? With tongues?” he teased.

She thought, for a moment, he might start the lesson here. Now. She swallowed, desperately wanting him to and afraid if he did, she might shatter.

With a braveness she didn’t feel, she met his gaze. “I am. I intend to learn a lot in our last session.”

A lazy smile turned the corners of his mouth up. “There’s a lot of material to master. We may be at it a good while.”

With that, Evan hoisted her back into the saddle and they returned to Edgemere.


Evan decided toremain fully dressed as he made his way downstairs to the library. Tonight was his last lesson with Rachel.

He didn’t want the lessons to end.

He understood that his time at war had damaged his soul. If anyone could heal him, it would be Rachel St. Clair. He didn’t want to want her—but he did. He was almost ten years older and felt thirty more, due to his war experiences. Life hadn’t really seemed worth living beyond fighting for his lost men. When he’d been forced out, Evan had thought he would retreat to Edgemere and live a quiet life of solitude.

Now, he wanted more. He wanted Rachel. And would do whatever it took to have her.

He didn’t think he loved her. He’d never known love, that ephemeral feeling that poets waxed about and women longed for. Yet he’d seen the heated looks exchanged between Alex and Leah. Was that merely passion? Or did the two truly love each other? It made Evan question everything he knew.

If he could ever fall in love, it would be with someone like Rachel. No, no one was like the dark-haired beauty. If love came to him, it would only be with her.

She’d said she wouldn’t marry unless she loved the man. Would it be enough for her to love him—and him to only desire her?

Tonight’s lesson would reveal a great deal.

Evan had wanted to give Calypso to her this afternoon but thought better of it. A gift of that magnitude, bestowed upon a woman from a man not her blood relative, would be more than frowned upon by society. It would put Rachel in an awkward position of having to refuse his gift. Perhaps, even refuse him.

Instead, Evan would make the horse a wedding present to her.

He reached the library half an hour before their scheduled rendezvous, eager to begin what would be the beginning of a lifetime of lessons. He would indoctrinate her into the physical ways of love, of passion and deep desire. He wanted children from her. He wanted to be her world. Now that he’d determined to wed her, nothing would stop him.

Nerves flared within him. They were almost as bad as the ones which had come when it came time to lead men onto the battlefield. Evan reached for the decanter of brandy and poured two fingers, hoping by sipping the alcohol, it would calm him. Of course, it would be what Rachel tasted when they first kissed. He smiled at the thought.

He sat on what he thought of as their settee and took a drink. The brandy burned going down his throat, trailing a hot wave until it hit his belly. He closed his eyes and let it soothe him.

In the stillness, he heard the door handle turn and smiled.

She’d come early.

It warmed him even more than the brandy, knowing Rachel looked forward to what would pass between them tonight.

Evan opened his eyes. Dismay filled him as Merrifield entered.