Chapter 37
“Ian, you are so hot. Doncha wanna recreate some memories? Remember when you fucked me in this pool?Thatwas also hot. I wanna do that again.”
This blonde bimbo is starting to bug me, and I regret ever having created a single moment with her. What was I thinking?
If I had only known I’d meet someone. This girl pales in comparison to Meg. Everyone does.
Speaking of which, whereisMeg? She said she was going to find my brothers, but that was a while ago. I even see Paul and Evan by the bar.
Everywhere I look, I see masks and people having fun. It’s a dark whirlwind of people laughing, dancing, drinking, and not having a care in the world. It’s as it should be…except there’s no Meg.
“Excuse me,” I say to the bimbo whose name I don’t know.
I walk through the party and try not to bask in the glow of attention that’s coming my way.
“Oh, Ian, over here. How are you, baby? It’s been so long,” this buxom brunette is saying. “How about I come warm your bed up tonight?”
She’s all over me, and I have to forcibly remove her arms from around my neck.
“Another time,” I say, barely paying attention to who she is.
It’s starting to occur to me that we need a fresh guest list. It does no good to see all the women I’ve fucked in one place. I guess before, I might’ve been into this behavior, but now I want none of it.
Is Meg turning me into a one-woman kind of guy? Maybe. But I’ve little time to think about it, because I’m becoming increasingly paranoid.
I don’t see her anywhere.
“Ian, it’s nice to see you, man. It’s been a while. Here, take a shot with me,” this guy name Rob says to me.
I slap his back and return the sentiment, “It’s good to see you, Rob. How you been?”
“Great man, business is going great, and so is life, you know? May I introduce you to Jennifer?”
I look at the beautiful woman flanking his arm and take note of the fact that she seems more conservative than the type of woman Rob is usually into.
I take the proffered shot of vodka from him. “What’s this? Are you settling down finally?”
Jennifer holds out her hand for me to shake, and I do so cordially.
She says, “He is, and I have the ring to prove it.”
She flashes a huge diamond in front of my face, and I’m painfully aware of the fact that she might be after Rob for his money. He’s loaded. He’s almost as blessed in the income department as I am.
But a second glance at Jennifer tells me she seems like a pretty okay gal. Maybe I’ve been jaded by too many women who were only attracted to me based on my deep pockets.
I take back the shot of vodka and hope it does something to quell my anxiety about Meg.
I look at the ring and say, “Wow. Wow, that is great. I’m really happy for both of you. You’ve probably done a lot of good for Rob here. He used to be a pretty wild guy.”
Rob laughs nervously and says, “Come on Ian, let’s not tell her too much aboutthat.”
I take the cue and say my goodbyes. I don’t want to get him in trouble. Though he and Ihavehad many wild nights together.
It’s no use to bring that up now, though. He seems genuinely happy with Jennifer. It only reminds me of my own situation and how Meg has lit up my life and virtually changed me.
The vodka, however, does nothing to tame my anxiety.