Page 95 of 4 Men of the House

I make my way over to the bar, where I see my brothers holding court. There are guests mingling about, trying to get a piece of the action.

I pull Evan away and say, “Hey, have you seen Meg? She came looking for you a while ago. Did you see her?”

He looks happy, like he’s been enjoying his night.

But to my dismay, he says, “No. I haven’t seen her all night. I’m guessing she looks radiant. I assumed I haven’t seen her because she’s hidden by mask or something. Where is she?”

“That’s the thing. She seems to have disappeared. It’s been a while, and I’m trying to find her.”

He offers me a drink—vodka soda—and I take it gratefully. I need alcohol to try to calm my spirit. I feel gripped by this, like I’ve never felt with anyone else. When I don’t know where she is, it makes me extremely nervous.

“She’s probably just gone to the powder room or something. Come on, hang with us, and she’ll show up in no time,” Evan says.

His words should make sense to me, but there’s this part of my brain that’s preoccupied with her, like maybe something’s wrong.

I tell myself that Evan’s probably right. I don’t need to be this controlling of her. Maybe she’s having a good time. Maybe she’s met some new friends and will meet up with me later.

I decide to relax with the guys by the bar. I drink my vodka soda, and then I have another. And another.

“In fact, make it a martini,” I say to the bartender. “Very dry, no olives.”

“Make that two vodka martinis,” Paul says, joining us.

“Where’s Meg?” he asks. “I haven’t seen her tonight. I know that she probably looks fabulous.”

“We’re not talking about Meg,” Evan says. “Ian’s becoming obsessed. He doesn’t know where she is, and it’s starting to worry him.”

“Well, how long has it been since you saw her?” Paul asks.

I check my watch. “Well, about an hour now.”

“She’s probably roaming around here somewhere,” Paul says. “Luckily, the bar is the perfect place to be. She’ll probably make her way over here soon.”

“I hope so. Matt and I were just with her before she set off looking for you two. But Evan says she he hasn’t seen her. So where is she?”

A look of concern spreads across Paul’s face, but he tries to hide it.

“Well, she’s made this party so damn dark and sultry, it’s hard to see anybody out here,” he says, trying to defuse the tension.

My martini arrives and looks perfect. I take a long drink before someone touches my arm and takes my attention away from the guys.

“Ian, this is my friend named Sam. She’s seen your name all over the papers and has always wanted to meet you,” this girl named Leslie says.

“Hi, Sam,” I say into her shining eyes.

Under usual circumstances, this kind of thing would make me excited.

Sam is delightful enough to take to bed. Her straight, long blonde hair hits the middle of her back. She’s wearing a tight, little black dress.

I’d usually be feasting on her by now, imagining myself pulling that black dress off and making my way with her.

But tonight is different. I’m worried about Meg, and I can’t deny it. I’m not gonna be able to make small talk for long.

“Hi, Sam, it’s very nice to meet you. This is my brother Evan. I’m sure you two will get along famously,” I say, taking my martini and leaving the bar, much to Evan’s chagrin.

I’ve just set the woman on him, and I doubt he appreciates it. He’s as dedicated to Meg as I am. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no one else in the universe besides her.

This is what she’s done to me. She’s literally turned my world upside down.